Chapter 17: Talking to the Wolves

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 I woke up to an empty bed and a note on the nightstand that read:

Be home later, please don't do anything stupid. Please. 

- Love, Klaus

I nodded after reading the note and said to myself, "Noted. So same rules as before I guess."  I got dressed before heading down stairs to the kitchen where I saw AJ sitting on the counter drinking from a blood bag, I shock my head, "You know that's my seat." I laughed as she said, " Well, It's my seat now." I shook my had as I grabbed a pop tart from the cabinet before hopping up beside her on the counter.  She looked at me saying, " So where is everyone this morning? I woke up to a note and no ones here." I shrugged, " I don't know I woke up to a note too. They're probably doing 'business'.  What did yours say?" She rolled her eyes, " Be home soon, be safe." I laughed, " Mine was very similar. It said be home later don't do anything stupid." she laughed, " So basically don't leave the house." I nodded laughing, "Yep. I will say that the one thing I didn't miss about here. At least in Mystic Falls I could leave the house without the threat of death looming above my head." She nodded, " Yeah I know, at last now it's a new place that we haven't been to and we can explore this house. Then we can be bored tomorrow."  I laughed, " True."


It didn't take us long to explore the house, even as huge as it was. After and hour we had explored every nook and cranky, even the garage. After we looked every where Harley sighed plopping down on the couch, " I'm bored now. I figured we'd killed more time than this by now." I nodded, " I did too, I guess our boredom starts now." I ended it with a laugh as Harlez shock her head with a smile on her face. We sat there in the living room watching reruns of shows from the 90's till we fell asleep.


When I woke up I looked over to the couch were Harley was supposed to be to see her not there anymore. I stood up saying, " Harley?" Nothing no response, " Harley!" I said louder this time thinking she might be in a different part of the huge house, still there was no response. I walked around the entire house with no luck, Harley wasn't here. I grabbed my phone calling her number, she answered "Hello?" 

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