Chapter 8:Always and Forever

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It's been a month since Klaus and my fight, Since then I haven't even talked to Jade in fear Klaus would find out where I was at. He calls me everyday and I never answer,he always leaves me a voice mail telling me where he is always just a city away. Always asking me to come home but, I can't, I won't.

* Flashback to a month ago*

I walked into the house as Klaus was already yelling at me for the hundredth time, " If you would become a hybrid," I cut him off, " Would you give it a rest. I told you when i'm older, I don't want to be one now." His face filled with anger, " Why don't you want to be a hybrid? Don't you want to live with me forever?" I rolled eyes, " I never said that, I do want to be with you forever, but, I also don't won't to be stuck as a twenty year old for all of entirety.  Can't you understand that?" He shook his head, " No, I can't because the way I am understanding this is that you just don't want to be with me forever. That you would be aright dying, leaving me alone, without my mate." I shook my head at this, " That's not it at all, i'm just not ready. Please try to understand that." " No, I won't try because you are becoming a hybrid today." " No i'm not. You can't make me." He scoffed, " Yes, I can." I glared, " Like you made me become a full werewolf, you can't do that this time I have vervain." He gave me a confused look, " You're still mad about that?" I shook my head, " No, i'm mad that you compelled me and want to do it again. I'm mad that if I didn't have my necklace that you would have already forced me into being a hybrid." He scoffed, " You think so little of me that I would do that to you." I sighed, " I don't think little of you but, I know how you are. You compelled me to kill Jules so I would be a full wolf, I didn't want to do that. You forced me and I think you want to make me a hybrid because, you're scared." He scoffed, " Scared of what." " Scared, i'll die, or leave, I have no plans on either but, so much bad has happened to you that it's made you scared and paranoid." He put on a tough face, " I'm not scared and i'm not paranoid, I just don't want to lose you. That's why I have to do this." He bite his wrist forcing me to swallow some of his blood. I pushed his hand way the best of my ability as he was holding me against him as he forced me to drink his blood.

As I pushed him away the door opened, I started spiting out the blood as Jade said, " What's going on?" Klaus didn't say anything, in between spiting the blood out I said, " He's trying to force me into being  hybrid. He forced me to drink his blood, and he probably would have snapped my neck by now if you hadn't walked in." He didn't say anything as Jade said to him, " You were doing what? How could you do that to her?" 

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