Chapter 6: Spending the Day

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After Harlez got ready for bed she came down stairs and took a seat in the arm chair in front of the coach. She sat there mumbling to her self so low that even with my vamp hearing I still couldn't hear her. Which was good seeing as how she was probably rambling on about coming through the portal. After about 20 minutes of sitting there listening to her ramble Damon got up and pour himself a drink saying, " Maybe you should take Harley to bed." I nodded standing up walking over to her saying calmly, "Harlez, let's go to bed." I reached for her arm as she flinched back screaming," N0! Don't touch me!" She then looked at her arms and hands saying, " Blood. There's blood all over me." I shook my head, "Harley there is no blood on you anywhere. I promise there's no blood." She started crying looking at her hands, "Her blood is everywhere." Damon sighed walking over to her, "Harley, there's no blood." She started crying more shaking her head, " Yes there is." He grabbed her face looking in her eyes, " There is no blood on you anywhere, calm down." She nodded, I could tell he compelled her, something he had never done to her from "my" memories.

I looked at her, " Okay, now that it's settled let's get you to bed." She nodded standing up and following me up the stairs. We got to her room and before I started to my room she gave me sad eyes saying, "Will you stay with me?" I sighed," Just tonight okay." She smiled as we went into her room, I could tell she wasn't handling what happened tonight well. Epically as every time she started to sleep she would start talk in her sleep saying, " I'm sorry, I didn't want to. Please don't NO." Before screaming causing me to wake her up and calm her down so she could sleep again. I finally got tired of her screaming and talking in her sleep and compelled her to go to sleep and stop screaming.


I keep having nightmares even after AJ compelled me, the only difference was that I wasn't waking up screaming. It was me killing Jules over and over again. Here in this world killing wasn't as bad as in my old world, here almost everyone had killed. AJ had even killed just not really, she killed people as AJ Salvatore not as AJ Smith. This was my first and hopefully only kill and, I keep reliving it. After hours of waking up from the nightmares I stopped trying to sleep, I got up quietly and made my way down stairs, I turned on the TV and started watching reruns of FRIENDS, till sleep took over, this time without nightmares.

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