Chapter XX

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Entering her motel room, Kurapika just behind her, Yui let out a sigh and ran a hand through her hair.

“Is something the matter?” Kurapika seemed worried.

Yui felt a twinge of shame, “uhmm… no.. I’m just a bit tired,” she smiled meekly. More than anything she wanted to tell Kurapika about the incident with Chrollo and about what he had said but she was afraid. What if Kurapika thought, that she had cheated on him?

Kurapika frowned. He could feel that there was something she wasn’t tell him and it bothered him greatly, “I know there’s something you’re not telling me,” he muttered embracing her from behind.

Yui bit her lip and turned around. Gently, she let her hand touch his face, “I’ve missed you,” she whispered grabbing his chin pulling him towards until their lips was an inch from each other, “I’ve missed you so much,” she ended before closing the space between them.

Forgetting everything but the feeling of Yui in his arms Kurapika returned the kiss passionately. He hadn’t realized how much he’s missed this. He sighed happily and they collapsed together on the small bed. It creaked in protest.

Yui smiled nuzzling her face against the crook of his neck and exhaled contently. She felt kind of bad … using his feelings for her to escape telling him about Chrollo.

~ time skip ~

The next morning, the couple woke up in each other’s arms, “good morning,” Yui muttered sleepily.

Kurapika groaned tightening his grip around her, “just five more minutes”

“I thought you had to work,” Yui said sounding sad about the idea of him leaving.

“Ugh. Don’t remind me,” Kurapika said making Yui laugh half-heartedly, “I’d rather just stay here with you,”

“I feel the same way”

He exhaled deeply pulling himself together, “I have to go,”


With one longing look at Yui sweet face, he got up. He hurried into his clothes knowing that he wouldn’t be able to leave if he stayed much longer, “I love you,” he whispered kissing her lightly on the lips before disappearing out the door.

Yui let out a sigh, “what to do now,” she mumbled and as if to answer her question her phone rang.

“Hello” a voice on the other end said

“Leorio!” Yui laughed

“Yui!” Leorio smiled on the other end, “you with Kurapika?” he asked

“Huh. Oh, no. He’s working”

“Working? What’s that?”

Yui laughed, “So, are you in York New?”

“Oh yes. That’s what I wanted to say. Do you want to meet up while Kurapika is working?”

“Yes. I’d like that”

~ time skip ~

“Oi, Yui! Over here,” Leorio shouted holding his hand into the air.

“Leorio!” Yui smiled and embraced her friend happily, “it feels like it’s been forever!”

“It has been forever”

Yui laughed parting from Leorio, “it’s nice to see you again, Leorio” she said happily

“I know. I’m awesome”

Yui giggled and punched his arm, “baka” she muttered


They sat down together and ordered some lunch. For a few moments, Yui forgot about her worries. They laughed and talked about Leorio’s studies. She smiled at how passionate he was when it came to helping people. She liked that about him.

“Hello? Earth to Yui” Leorio smiled broadly and waved a hand in front of her face.

“Uhh, sorry,” Yui blushed, “I must have zoned out,”

“It’s okay, but-..” just as Leorio was about to continue, Yui’s phone rang.

“Sorry, Leorio. I have to take this,” she smiled apologetically grabbing the phone out of her pocket.

‘It’s cool’ he gestured with a smile.

“Hello,” Yui said happily into her phone.

“Yui.” It was Kurapika. He sounded somewhat odd.

“Kurapika, hey!” Yui was smiling widely now

Kurapika furrowed his brows and guilt flushed over him. I have been yearning to hear your voice all day; I can’t think properly… why do you sound so happy without me, Yui?

“Is something the matter?” she asked and he started tapping his foot.

“Huh” he shook his head, “no. It’s nothing. I was just-.. Uhm, where are you?” he really needed her right now. The auction was tomorrow and he had a feeling that the Troupe might strike.

“Oh,” he could hear her smile through the phone, “I’m with Leorio”


“Yeah, we had lunch together”


“Is something bothering you, Kurapika?” she was frowning slightly now.

“No. It’s nothing. Look… I gotta go”

“Kurapika, wai-.” Yui began but he’d hung up, ‘I wonder what’s wrong… have I done something to offend him?

~ time skip ~

Leorio got a room in the same motel where Yui and Kurapika were staying, and the two parted ways. Yui headed towards the room, ‘I can’t wait to see Kurapika again’ she smiled and opened the door.

“Oh. So now you decide to show up” a harsh tone flavoured Kurapika’s usually soft voice.

Yui furrowed her brows, “what do you mean?”

“Oh, I don’t know… just that you’ve been with Leorio all day” he said never looking her in the eyes


“You’re in love with him aren’t you,” he said it with so much anger but his eyes showed nothing but fear

“What are you talking about!?” Yui didn’t even know what to say, ‘what had gotten into him!?’

“Tsch, you don’t even have to say it. You’d rather be with him, right!”

“What!?” she was getting slightly angry now, “Kurapika, I would never-“

“What!” tears were welling up in his now scarlet eyes, “I know it’s true! You were so happy with him today”

Yui wanted to scream but instead she took a deep breath, “Kurapika. I would never betray you. You’re just all riled up because of the Phantom Troupe”

He laughed coldly, “I-…” he didn’t know what he was doing, ‘why am I yelling at her like this!?’ but his emotions had already taken over, “just go be with him. I know it’s what you want!”

She was crying, “Why are you saying things like this!?”

He turned his back to her and she turned around and stormed out of the door.


school.. yeah I’m blaming the late updates on school.. ‘cause school is just-…ugh!

Also don’t get mad at Kurapika. He doesn’t know what he’s saying. He is just so worried and scared and can’t make out what he is really feeling. He doesn’t want to hurt her but he can’t focus.


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