Chapter VII

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(AN: 4 pages. I am quite impressed with myself. Dedicated to Cori-chan because she is a cutie)

As soon as she touched the ground on Zevil Island she expanded her En. She actually didn’t know just how far she could expand it but she managed to search the entire island easily.

“There,” she mumbled and she was off. She sprinted through the forest, jumping from tree to tree trying to avoid meeting anyone until she reached her target.

The target, Siper, was looking for her own target and though she was an expert marksman she didn’t stand any chance against Yui. She didn’t even notice the presence of the blind girl before it was too late. Yui had already swooped past her and stolen her tag.

“Hey!” she shouted but there was no one there. She felt around in all of her pockets trying to recover the tag but it wasn’t there. Her brows furrowed, she would just have to find her target and then worry about the rest later.

Yui on the other hand ran smiling through the forest, ‘I had expected it to be easy but she didn’t even put up a fight,’ she giggled lowly, ‘now I should find a way to verify that this is indeed #80’s tag … but how?’

She continued through the forest when she sensed the gummy aura of Hisoka. She shuddered, that one is dangerous but…

“Ne, Hisoka?” she said and entered a clearing.

The magician looked up with a smirk. Immediately his aura changed and a bulge appeared in his pants, “Yui” he smiled.

“So you do remember me!” she laughed carelessly even though she was shuddering on the inside.

“How could I forget someone as deliciously sweet as you, Yui?”

Yui raised an eyebrow noticing a small spike of shock coming from the bushes, ‘Gon? What are you doing here?’ she shook her head so she wouldn’t expose her friend.

“I was wondering if you might help me?”

“Whatever do you need?”

Yui held out the stolen tag, “is this #80? I can’t read it”

Hisoka smirked alluringly, “why yes it is. You already found your target, huh?”

“It wasn’t too difficult but thanks for the help…”

“Any time,” he smiled.

“Ne, Hisoka… are you hurt?” Yui asked innocently

“Huh? … oh this,” Hisoka looked at his shoulder which was surrounded by blood lusting butterflies, “it’s nothing really, I had quite forgotten about,” his smile grew and he had a wicked expression. Yui felt a rush of bloodlust and sexual energy emerging from him.

“Oh…” she mumbled, “okay… then I guess I better get going,” she quickly turned around and ran as far away from Hisoka as possible. Luckily, he didn’t follow her as she had feared.

‘Oh shit. That was close,’ she exhaled deeply, ‘What are you doing stalking Hisoka, Gon!? He’s dangerous…’ Yui sighed, she wouldn’t have guessed how attached she’d become to these new friends … Gon, Leorio, Killua and… Kurapika. She blushed at the thought of the blonde and felt a chill run down her spine, ‘I wonder what I should do now. I wonder what Kurapika is doing’

She stopped when she came to what seemed like a clearing, ‘I might as well use the rest of the time well and practice’ she smirked. Ever since she left the ship, she had felt someone stalking her.

“You must be pretty skilled since you’ve managed to follow me around like this,” she mused aloud

The male gasped, “you knew I was here!?” he exclaimed jumping down from the tree where he had been sitting. He quickly got a hold of himself again however and coughed slightly, “I must say I underestimated you”

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