Chapter III

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After clearing the exam’s Second Phase, Yui and her opponents fly through the starry sky, towards the site for the Third Phase, on the Hunter Association airship.

Netero finished introducing himself and smiled at the applicants, “I’m loving this tension in the air!” he laughed, “so I think I’ll stick around for the rest of the trip. We’ll arrive at the nest Phase tomorrow morning, until then you are free to do as you please until contacted,” he finished.

“Yus! Gon, let’s go explore the ship,” Killua exclaimed excited.

“Yeah!” Gon answered and they ran off together which made Yui smile.

“How can they have so much energy,” Leorio mumbled and sighed, “I’m hitting the sack”

“You can say that again,” Kurapika agreed, “but first I have something I need to do. I’ll meet you later, Leorio”

“Yeah? Cool,” and with that Leorio left to go seek for a bed.

Kurapika turned to Yui, “Can I talk to you, Yui?” he asked.

She blushed slightly while biting her lip; Kurapika shuddered, “huh?” she asked confused.

“I noticed that you listened to my conversation with Leorio… what do you know of the Kurta?” his body became tense as he finished the question.

‘It was that obvious? I need to be more careful,’ Yui thought but remained silent, ‘what should I do?’

When she didn’t answer he continued with a hint of anger in his voice “how did you lose your eyes?”

“I-…” Yui stroke a hand through her black hair, “I don’t like to talk about it,” she finally finished and Kurapika’s eyes widened.

“Why not?”

“I just don’t! Okay” she felt tears on her face and her voice was shaking, “just leave me alone… please” she hated relieving the old memories so she left him there.

Kurapika looked after the girl as regret graced his brown eyes. Why did he do that? How stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid! He banged his fist against the wall and shook his head. Now she would never talk to him again.



Shorty update ƪ(‾ε‾“)ʃ

Okay. Sorry. I thought I wanted to write the scenes on the airship and the entire third phase in one chapter but then I rewatched the episode and got some ideas for some extra scenes… still, two updates in one day!? I am on fire!!


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