Chapter XVII

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“You look tired, Yui,” Isamu smiled while stuffing his mouth with bread.

Yui blushed slightly recounting the events of last night, “that’s because she didn’t get any sleep,” Kurapika exclaimed loudly making Isamu choke on his breakfast.

Yui blushed even redder and kicked Kurapika under the table but he didn’t care he looked over at his rival with a winning smile making Isamu glare.

Finishing her breakfast in a rush, Yui left the table to go train in the forest. Kurapika immediately stood up to follow her but she stopped him by sending angry vibes in his directions. He tilted his head in confusion but she ignored him. Isamu laughed, “Seems like you just go rejected, huh!” he teased imitating Kurapika’s winning smile from earlier.

“Shut up! I’m the one who spent the night with her,” he countered angrily. The two men glared at each other in jealousy.

~ time skip ~

After training furiously in the forest all day, Yui returned to the temple. Subconsciously looking for Kurapika she went to their room, showered and changed into a clean set of clothes, “I wonder where that idiot is,” she thought mumbling.

Soon after, she found him in the garden. He was deeply focused in a fight with none other than… yes… it was Isamu. Yui sighed, ‘men,’ she thought annoyed.

Both guys where drenched in sweat attacking and countering as if their lives depended on it. Suddenly, Kurapika managed to get the upper hand. He swooped Isamu off his feet preparing to go in for the kill. Isamu glared at him… if looks could kill.

Yui realized that this fight was no longer “just for practice,” she stepped forward, “Kurapika!” she shouted angrily, “get your stupid arse over here!”

Both men stopped dead in their tracks and looked at her.

~ time skip ~

“What the hell was that, Kurapika?” Yui shrieked in his face, “first that statement this morning… and now this? What’s gotten into you!? Isamu is my friend… I love him… AS A FRIEND!” she emphasized those three little words.

Kurapika had been staring at her through the entire exchange “I can’t handle how beautiful you when you’re angry,” he muttered with a small smile. He was watching her every move not hearing a word of what she said.

“…-are you even listening!?” she exclaimed with furrowed brows.

“Huh?” he shook his head, “what did you say again?”

She sighed exasperated, “I was telling you what an idiot you are, but you clearly weren’t listening…”

“I’m sorry but it’s your own fault,”

“How can it be my fault?”

He kissed her softly on the lips, “you are so mesmerizing I can’t concentrate when I am in your presence,” he answered huskily.

She blushed a little and faked a pout, “baka!” she mumbled, “you’re never gonna let me stay mad at you are you?”


~ time skip ~

Time seemed to slow down when living in the temple. Though Kurapika still felt jealous whenever he saw Isamu look at Yui he no longer felt like killing him. He knew that Yui would never forgive him if he did so he repressed his feelings.

One day, he walked back from the city where he’d tried to get a job he was stopped by a strange man. The man offered to teach him something called Nen. At first, Kurapika was weary but eventually he gave in. In his bliss, he had forgotten about his original objective. He had to kill every last member of the Phantom Troupe and avenge his brethren.

He didn’t tell Yui what was on his mind. Even though she had told him that she was Kurta, she had never expressed any desire to avenge her family’s death. Kurapika furrowed his brows, he hated lying to her but he had to get stronger.

“I am leaving to train with a new master,” he told her one day. She looked sad for a second but then looked up with a small smile.

“I understand,” she said.

He went close and grabbed her hands, “what will you do?” he asked afraid of the answer.

She half-laughed, “I wished I could go with you,” she finally muttered averting his gaze.

“I wish you could too… but I am afraid I wouldn’t be able to focus if you did”

She laughed fully now, “I know. I am going to miss you,” she leaned into his embrace.

“And I you… but what will you do while I am gone?” he asked kissing her on the forehead.

“I guess I will go you York New and wait for you,”

“I would like that,” Kurapika kissed her on the lips this time. It was a kiss filled with longing, ‘how am I going to survive even just a few months without you?’ he thought sadly.



Don’t worry. They’ll be together again soon… I just had to get them apart for some time or the story wouldn’t evolve… then it would just be me writing fluff C;


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