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        It had been two weeks since I last saw Chloe. Two weeks since the episode between Matthew and Chloe. Two weeks since I was last told about anything which was going on where my sister was concerned.

        Erin had been acting weirdly but she wouldn’t tell me what was going on and it was really beginning to piss me off now. If she knew something which I didn’t, then I feel I had a right to know it as well.

        I checked the time, seeing that Erin should be back from her office any minute and I had decided that I was going to corner her. I wanted to know what the hell was going on and I wasn’t going to let her go anywhere until she had told me.

        I was sitting on the sofa with that day’s paper in my hand when the door closed and she walked into the room, looking as amazing as she always did in her work uniform.

        The skirt, long enough to make her look professional at work, but short enough for me to get my hand up there in the evening. The blouse, smart enough for the office, but thin enough for me to be able to get her excited. The blazer, well, that was just to show people she was the boss and that was the first thing to go whenever she got home.

        “How was work?” I asked, putting the paper on the table and looking over to where she was standing.

        “Well, I managed to secure a deal for the Parker wedding and I also signed a deal in which I became joint owner of L’Ovier. So I guess you would call it a good day,” Erin chuckled as she threw herself down beside me, her head falling on my lap and her legs over the edge of the sofa. A smile on her face and her eyes on me, the same thing which happened every day she came home. “How about you?”

        “Well, we’ve had to put back the opening day by a month because we’re not going to finish on time. There was something dodgy with the foundations under part of the building and it ended up collapsing,” I sighed.

        “That’s not your fault though. That’s the fault of whoever surveyed the area and said it was safe to build there,” Erin reasoned.

        I wish it was that simple. I am the site manager and, before building even started, I should have double checked the site but I didn’t bother. I simply agreed that it was safe and my men started building.

        Because of my laziness, four floors have collapsed and they now have to be rebuilt from scratch. I don’t think a month is going to be long enough, but the dick who employed us to build the damn thing believes it’s more than enough time.

        “Yeah. I guess,” I muttered, running my hand through Erin’s hair with something which was supposed to be a smile on my face.

        “Is there something else bothering you Jason?” Erin finally broke the silence which had fallen.

        “What happened when you took Amanda back?” I spat out before I could back out. I needed to know what the hell was going on because, if there was one thing I didn’t like, then it was not knowing things.

        “Nothing,” Erin replied and I knew she was lying.

        “Just tell me what happened. I know something happened and it’s beginning to piss me off that you won’t tell me what,” I said and it came out angrier than it was supposed to, but I was done with being lied to by people.

        “We’re going to dinner tomorrow night. Chloe told me to make sure you’re there,” Erin said casually.

        “That’s not answering the question.”

Our Happy Ending? [#2]Where stories live. Discover now