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        Saturday came far quicker than I thought that it would. This was the day where I was going to ask Erin to be my wife.

        I know it might seem too soon for some people, but those who know the both of us know what we’ve had to deal with and the things we have faced together. Nothing would make me happier than her agreeing to be my wife.

        Well, that would be the second best thing to happen to me this week, the first being finding out that I was going to be a father and that Erin was the mother of that child. I know I thought it was too soon, but when she told me that she was pregnant, I had never felt a feeling like it before.

        There was a need to protect both Erin and our child. I could already feel the love building and it wasn’t even anything more than a seed right now since she was only a month gone, but I could feel the love for the child already and I couldn’t wait to meet it, knowing the day it was born would be the most magical day of my life.

        “Is everything in place?” I panicked to Chloe. Without her help, I don’t think I would be able to pull this off because I’ve spent the entire week worrying about all the things which could go wrong.

        I even thought that she would refuse the proposal and make me feel like a total fool, but Chloe managed to convince me that wasn’t going to happen because even a blind person could see that Erin loved me.

        “Stop panicking Jase. Everything is perfect,” Chloe reassured me as she put her hand on my shoulder.

        “This is really happening. Isn’t it?” I asked. I put my hand in my pocket and pulled the box out, opening it to look at the ring for the millionth time that week.

        I had taken Matthew with me when I bought it. I knew what I was looking for, but I needed his opinion to make sure it was the right one. It wasn’t anything fancy or expensive, it was a simple silver band with a stone of some description in the middle – I didn’t ask about it when I bought it because Matthew and I were too busy saying how beautiful it was and how it was the perfect ring for someone like Erin.

        “In five minutes time you are going to be engaged for all the right reasons. It’s not going to be because you feel like you have no other option or because you were jealous of my relationship with Matthew, it’s going to be because you love this woman and you really do want to spent the rest of your life with her,” Chloe grinned.

        “How do you think I’ll do on the father front?” I chuckled.

        “I think—“

        “—You’ve got nothing to worry about. You are going to be an incredible father and that baby is lucky to have a man like you as its father,” Matthew finished her sentence for her as he appeared besides her, wrapping his arm around her waist and placing a kiss on the top of her head.

        “We’ve seen the way you are with Amanda when you think we’re not looking. You treat that girl like she’s the most important thing in the world and you will do anything to see her happy, even if that means sitting through Frozen fifty times and spending your money on the latest merchandise. You spoil her and we know how much you love her,” Chloe added and I couldn’t help the smile which now covered my face, my eyes moving over to the door which Erin was going to be walking through in the next couple of minutes as she finished up at her office for the day.

        I had tried to tell her that she should be at home and she shouldn’t be putting too much stress on herself, this being her first baby and everything, but she was stubborn and she didn’t want to listen to anything I had to say to her. All I could do was tell her to be careful and make sure she put herself before she worried about anyone else.

Our Happy Ending? [#2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن