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        I looked at Chloe and she was still fighting the tears, though I wished that she wouldn’t do that. It was only going to make her feel so much worse than she already did.

        I walked over to her, half expecting her to push me away again. Instead, she embraced me and held on tight as she cried into my chest. It broke my heart to see her like this. Most of the time I didn’t know what the hell to do, and I was supposed to be her brother.

        I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. She had the right to know that her husband was a dirty, cheating, lying scumbag but she didn’t need to know that’s where he was when she lost their son. Especially since he turned his phone off for the entire week so he didn’t have to deal with the pressures of married life anymore.

        Charlotte Simpson. She was the girl I was supposed to be marrying. She told me that she loved me, turns out she was only saying that so she could get her dirty hands on my sister’s husband. And there was me thinking I had actually hit the jackpot with her and we were going to be together for the rest of our lives.

        What a mistake that was. She was just like the rest of them. Women only ever wanted a bed to sleep in and someone they could fuck whenever they got a little bit bored. They weren’t in the relationship for the love, they were just waiting for the next opportunity to fuck over the person who was stupid enough to take them in their life.

        “Why didn’t you tell me before?” Chloe finally muttered.

        “There was never a right time to tell you. You were so happy that I didn’t want to see your relationship in the same fucked up state as mine,” I sighed. At the time I thought I was doing the right thing, keeping it a secret and never telling anyone, but now I realise that was possibly the worst thing I could have done at a time like this.

        “Pfft. I guess it’s too late for that,” Chloe said. She moved away from me and, just like that, her face went from being full of tears to looking like she was going to murder me if I so much as said ‘hello’ to her. “I want you out and I want you out today.”

        “Wait? Your husband cheats on you and you’re throwing me out?”

        “You lied to me Jason. You knew the truth and you allowed me to keep on living a lie,” Chloe chuckled harshly as she walked out of the room. I knew better than to bother saying anything to her again, it would only make things worse and I couldn’t handle losing my sister again. Sure, she was probably never going to speak to me again after this, but there was still the hope that she would. “You picked Matthew’s side over mine and that was never going to end well for you.”

        “I never picked a side.”

        “You did by keeping the truth from me,” Chloe retorted. “Make sure you're gone by the end of the day.”

        “Where am I supposed to go?” I asked. I didn’t have anywhere else to go, other than to Erin’s house, but I only ever went round there when I needed someone to sleep with. I found her after the breakup with Charlotte and she had just broken up with her boyfriend – turned out he was gay and he had been cheating on her with her own brother. That’s some serious fucked up shit if you ask me.

        Erin and I both ended up extremely drunk after one drink turned into ten and she wasted no time in dragging me back to her place. A couple more nights like that and we came to the agreement that we would be fuck buddies. I was there when she needed some release and she was there when I needed a release.

Our Happy Ending? [#2]Where stories live. Discover now