Chapter 5

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My heart dropped at the sound of the gunshot. Seems as if Regina's did too we both stopped our fighting and I was silently praying that Antonio didn't do something to Raymond that would get him in trouble. However, at that moment I saw Antonio and Raymond running towards us to see if everyone was okay. ''Are you okay?'' Antonio asked as he scooped me up in his arms ''what the hell was that?'' Raymond asked I glanced at him and saw that Antonio did a number on him he didn't shoot him but he sure did give him a real good beating. ''I have no clue'' Yolonda said with a look of confusion mixed with fear gracing her face. ''Now you stop that fighting this minute you hear!'' We all turned to the mystery voice, we see a white man holding a shotgun with an angry scowl on his face ''This town here is a peaceful town we don't need your kind showing up and bringing us all kinds of trouble and violence.'' ''What do you mean by our kind?'' Antonio asked as his face twisted in anger. If we were in a cartoon I'm sure steam would be coming out of his ears. The man's face went from a scowl to a smirk  seeing that he had gotten to Antonio ''you know..'' ''I don't so please enlighten me'' ''well if you insist'' ''I certainly do so what is our kind?'' ''Niggers and it seems...'' he trailed off a bit as he looked over our group ''it seems you have a wetback with you too'' he said with his eyes on Carlos. Erik was about to approach him when suddenly a group of seven white men exited the store. ''Better watch yourself nigger boy wouldn't want to end up missing.'' The white man said throwing a wink Erik's way. A shiver made its way down my spine how did we manage to get ourselves into this situation seems like everything was falling apart. ''We'll just be on our way then.'' Antonio said through clenched teeth ''that's very smart boy best be on your way.'' Carlos threw a nod their way and we turned and made our way towards the van that's when one of the men said something that made my blood run cold. ''I sure hope you folks make it out of here before sundown wouldn't want anything too happen to you.'' A sinister chuckle was heard after. Everyone had climbed into the van and we practically sped off. It was quiet for a while I assumed everyone was in shock I knew I was until Regina spoke and the silence was broken ''This is all Promise's fault'' she said with hatred dripping from every word. I had raised my head to look at her I took in her busted lip, bruised cheek, and disheveled clothes man I really messed her up ''oh really Regina how's that'' '' if you would've kept your legs closed and stopped trying to take what wasn't yours this could've been avoided.'' I opened my mouth to speak but Yolonda had beat me to it. ''OR if you keep your dog on a leash and teach him to be loyal and to actually like you and stop being a disrespectful pig this wouldn't have happened'' ''Oh shut up Yolonda you're always on her side you all are always on her side like Promise is so perfect. Y'all think she's so fine.'' ''Mhm including your man'' I said with sass Regina lunged at me but Raymond held her back. ''What has gotten into you Regina you're really letting some low-grade ding a ling make you turn on your friends you're seriously fucked up,'' Yolonda said Angel shook her head and said ''Never thought the day would come where you put a man before us especially a crook like Raymond.''    before you know it the whole van is arguing until Carlos spoke up from the driver's seat '' I'm sorry to break up this family debacle but it's seven minutes till' sundown and we have three kilometers to go before we cross the state line and there's been a cop car following us since we left the store.'' ''Can we make it?'' Angel asked ''I don't know but whatever you do don't speed they're waiting for you to so they have a reason to pull us over you must control your speed.'' Erik said in a panicked tone. Raymond pulls out a gun while saying ''Just in case they want to start fucking with us I'll be ready.'' Antonio rolls his eyes ''Okay fool but if you kill one of them there'll be fifty more on our asses and your pistole isn't going to help us then.'' Raymond shot a glare in his direction but before he could say anything the van jerked forward the cop had rear-ended us ''Maldición this Hija de puta is crazy'' Carlos said clearly freaking out ''Carlos control your speed'' another hit from the officer. ''Thirty seconds left are we going to make it?'' Yolonda said panicking ''We're GOING to MAKE IT EVERYONE cálmese.'' Carlos said growing frustrated but I wasn't so sure if we would, the sun was barely visible against the almost black sky.

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