Chapter 7

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After hours and hours of driving the group finally made it to Los Angeles. And for just a moment it seems like everyone was on the same wavelength taking in the beauty of this place. Raymond pulls into a simple hotel and parks ''now I know you all may be exhausted but we have a little party we have to go to and you may want to dress nice it'll be some important people there.'' Raymond said, shooting everyone a quick wink the tone Raymond used let everyone know this was not up for discussion. This time there would be only two rooms, girls in one and boys in the other. ''I wonder who these important people are that Raymond mentioned'' Angel said a bit giddy as she put on her hoop earrings she was wearing a plum-colored jumper with white platform shoes. ''Hopefully, it's someone that can help us get our foot in the music industry. I know this doesn't happen overnight but we've been singing together for years. So hopefully tonight it'll be like Cinderella and we'll get our one wish.'' Yolonda said playfully, rolling her eyes as she tied up her wrap-around sandals she was wearing a yellow halter top and a flowy white midi skirt. ''So we better be on our game and not be like Cinderella who used her one wish to go to a ball just to get lucky.'' Promise said with a laugh as she pulled on her black thigh-high platform boots to go with her mid-thigh floral green halter dress. The laughter dies down as they all put the finishing touches on their outfits hoping that they'll meet someone who'll help them move in the right direction and their trip here wasn't for nothing. A knock on the door got their attention. It was Carlos telling them it was time to go. They all loaded into the van and headed to the party they all looked out the window with amazement the more they drove the nicer the houses became and they quickly realized that they weren't in Harlem anymore. They pulled up to a very large house no doubt whoever lived here was extremely well off. Raymond parked and they all exited the van and entered the house and everyone inside just carried themselves in a way that screamed I'm important, pay attention to me. The girls grew nervous and felt so out of place Antonio leaned over to whisper in Promise's ear ''we'll be right back make yourself comfortable we'll try to make this quick.'' She looked up at him with pleading eyes as if saying not to go he gave her a reassuring smile and a kiss on the forehead before rejoining the guys. The girls grab a few flutes of champagne as Cheryl Lynn's Got to Be Real plays around them. They made their way outside trying their best to look as if they belonged and it seemed to work as a man whose aura yelled importance approached them. ''Lemme guess models?'' The man interrupted the girl's conversation and took a sip from his drink. The girl's stopped talking to look at the man. He was brown-skinned, looked like he stood around six-three, nice white teeth, and plump lips. He was handsome and he knew it. '' No mister we're not we're actually aspiring singers.'' Yolonda said with a cheeky smile. ''Well with all of your beauty I knew it had to be something I'm Vick and y'all are?'' He asked flashing them an award-worthy smile. ''Yolonda, Angel, Regina, and I'm Promise.'' Promise said introducing everyone, Vick shook each of their hands lingering on Promises a little longer than the others. ''A pleasure to meet you all'' he said as he slowly let Promise's hand go. ''So aspiring singers huh'' ''I'm pretty sure I made that clear'' Yolonda said, letting out a playful sigh with a slight shake of her head. Vick let out a deep laugh ''well why don't you sing something you never know who's watching'' Vick said. The girl's exchanged glances and as if they were having a silent conversation with their eyes they agreed ''how about I'll Take You There'' Angel suggested. Everyone agreed they took a few deep breaths and began to sing the song, their harmonies on point and voices blending together so well by the time they reached the chorus everyone was in awe of their talent when they finished the whole room was giving them applause. '' That was incredible in fact so good I would like to have a meeting with you ladies Monday morning'' Vick said. The girls gave him a confused look which he took notice of and let out a low chuckle. ''Let me introduce myself fully I'm Vick Kingston owner of Kingston Records and you girls are exactly what I'm looking for.'' He said as he locked eyes with Promise. The guys made their way over to the girls who were still trying to process the information they received. Antonio came over to Promise giving her a kiss on the cheek. Promise turned to introduce the two men. However, before she could Antonio spoke ''cousin Vick how have you been man?'' Antonio said hugging Vick ''I've been very good but I'm sure you knew that.'' Vick said with a chuckle. Antonio turned to the group ''everyone this is my big cousin Vick he was like a big brother to me I looked up to him and wanted to be just like him.'' Antonio said with a smile Vick also had a smile gracing his face. ''Little Antonio was like my second shadow. He was always around now he's grown and look like he's doing well for himself.'' Vick said, glancing at Promise. ''How's California life treating you?'' ''Well, the record label is boomin' if that's what you mean meeting with some potential new clients on Monday if they accept.'' Vick said, looking at the girls. '' Oh, honey we accept what time should we be there?'' Yolonda asked ''ten o'clock don't be late'' ''you said nine-fifteen okay see you then.' Yolonda said, causing Vick to chuckle, he gives Antonio one last hug and walks away to mingle with the other guest. Promise gave Antonio a playful punch to the shoulder ''you never told me you were related to Vick Kingston.'' Antonio smirked ''You never asked.'' He said as he took her hand as they began to dance to I Wanna Be Where You Are by Michael Jackson. Everyone else fell into happy chit chat however Yolonda noticed Raymond and Regina sneak off and being the nosey person she is going to follow them with Carlos right beside her. They eventually follow them to one of the empty bedrooms; they peeked through the crack in the door and listened and watched the situation unfold. Raymond was pacing the floor like a mad man mumbling to himself as Regina stood so still like if she moved she would die. ''I want you to quit the group.'' Raymond said after a while of pacing. ''What why!?'' Regina said with confusion and anger. ''What does your bland ass have to offer them?'' Raymond said while pulling out a cigarette, lighting it, and taking a drag. Regina stayed silent, seething. He circled around her blowing smoke in her face smirking at her anger so he provoked her more. '' Hm Let's see you're ugly you know not very fun to look at, your vocals are subpar I mean Angel maybe one ugly bitch but at least the chick can blow the only thing you can blow is a nigga so you should quit now before some white ass record executive sleeps with your desperate ass then gets rid of you. Besides who wants a coke head in the group anyway.'' Regina gives him a powerful punch to the face. Raymond Is taken aback as he wipes the blood from his nose. ''Asshole'' Regina says as she turns to walk away. Raymond roughly grabs her by the arm he Turns her around and swiftly punches her in the face splitting her lip. Yolanda quickly barges into the room hitting Raymond over the head with her champagne glass Raymond lets Regina's arm go and charges at Yolanda like an angry bull. Carlos jumps in front of Yolanda throwing a punch at Raymond causing Raymond to fall to the ground. ''Why don't you get up and fight a man instead of always trying to beat up on women.'' Carlos said, standing over Raymond. Yolonda takes Regina out of the room and tries to get to the others. All eyes are on them including Vick's. Was their chance at fame about to fall before it even started?

 Was their chance at fame about to fall before it even started?

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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