Chapter 2

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The agreement made that night walking home should've never been made. ''So what do y'all think we should do?'' Angel said as she kicked a stray can along the street. ''Well I don't know about y'all but if Carlos is going then I'm going,'' Yolonda said as a smile spread across her face and her beautiful brown eyes sparkled in the moonlight. I on the other hand still wasn't sure something just didn't sit right. '' I'm not sure isn't it strange they didn't give us a reason why they were going to LA-'' ''You mean the city of dreams?'' Regina said with a sly smirk as she cut me off. ''Also a city blessed and cursed with glorious dreams and façades of hope.'' I stopped and deeply sighed ''look guys I want to go to LA just as bad as each and every one of you maybe even a bit more. It's just we need to USD a bit more caution they come waltzing in like a bunch of jive turkeys asking us to travel over two thousand miles with them without any form of explanation and only giving us three days to think it over something just ain't right.'' I finished shaking my head and letting out a deep breath. '' I understand that Promise, however, this is our shot I mean how bad could it be we have each other and this is our chance at fame we can't pass that up,'' Angel said a little hint of excitement evident in her voice. Seems like everyone is on board except me I'll just have to take one for the team ''okay I'm in'' they all crowded in for a tight group hug each of us smiling bigger than ever before not realizing this is the worst decision we'd ever make. Those next few days passed in a blur. I still had a nasty feeling about this whole ordeal something just didn't sit right. However, the girls just kept telling me I was bugging out but if I knew then what I knew now I would've just stayed in Harlem. The day finally arrived we all met at Regina's place just like we said we would. The boys pulled up and helped us load our things in the van and before you know it we're cruising down the highway singing along to Best of My Love by The Emotions. '' I have something that would get this party going,'' Raymond said with a slight smile on his face. I did a slight eye roll because I just knew this fool was up to no good ''what might that be Ray?'' I said to him. He had a devilish look on his face as he pulled out a small bag of reefer. ''This I also have a little booger sugar if you really want to party.'' Antonio looked at him with eyes full of anger if looks could kill Raymond would be six feet under. ''Man if you don't put that shit away you're poisoning your own people fool,'' Antonio said giving him a slap across the head. ''Well, I'm sorry soul brother not everyone is down with the cause like you are some of us want to have fun and some of us want to get paid,'' Raymond said with a slight chuckle while rubbing the back of his head. After a while, he was rolling the perfect joint. ''Besides why agree to come with us to LA you know what we came to do.'' That statement just made me have to ask ''So why are you guys going to LA and why did we have to come?'' Raymond turned to me with a seductive look ''Don't worry your pretty little head about what we doing, and as for why we wanted y'all to come well-'' he stops for a minute letting his eyes drag across my body ''y'all some damn good eye candy.'' He finishes as he begins to laugh soon Carlos and Erik join in. They laugh but I did not find it funny if anything it made me uncomfortable and even more suspicious. Regina moves closer to Raymond as if to make a statement that he was hers. However, I didn't care she could have him I had zero interest in Raymond to me he was a bogus brotha with a get rich quick scheme he would cross anybody for a Dolla' which sooner or later will land him and the people he's around dead or in jail which is why I was reluctant to take this trip with him. Suddenly Don't Fear the Reaper began to play ironically I felt like I was staring the reaper right in his face as my eyes never left Raymond's. Something still didn't feel right about this whole situation but it was too late to do something about it now we were already on the road driving to the city of dreams. As I looked around at everyone in the van trying to see through the cloudy air. It was as if everyone except Antonio and myself was feeling good, some may be more than others. I was glad when the van finally stopped for gas I feared Raymond and Regina was about to take each other right then and there if we didn't stop. Everyone had hopped out of the van once it was parked as if to get away from the sight. ''Promise do you have two dollars I'm really hungry?'' Angel asked that's when I realized two things the reefer had hit her and that I was hungry too. ''Here's five dollars get me some Bubble Yum, a twinkie, and a coke please.'' Antonio had also given her his money to pick him up some potato chips. She nodded and went into the store. Antonio turned and just looked at me ''may I help you, sir?'' I said with a fake attitude. He laughed and shook his head '''s just nice to see y'all so happy and confident about making it you know?'' A sly smile appeared across my lips ''it's amazing the things a person can accomplish with faith and a little bit of hope my brotha'. '' Antonio just looked at me with a wide smile and then went back to pumping the gas. I would never admit this to him but I've been digging Antonio for a long time and I'm sure he was feeling me too I was just waiting on him. However, it seemed like I would be waiting a while but for him, I would've gladly waited a lifetime.

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