Chapter 6

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They made it across the state line just as the last piece of sun disappeared everyone let out a breath that they didn't realize they were holding. Promise looked back at the cop car that was just trying to run them off the road as it sat motionless at the state line. After taking a peek at Carlos in the driver's seat she saw his hands shaking on the steering wheel and beads of sweat forming on his hairline but he still managed to keep up his cool dude persona. However, she knew he was shaken up and wouldn't stop driving and wouldn't dare let anyone take over right now not until day broke or he just couldn't go anymore. Suddenly a wave of fatigue washed over Promise like a strong wave as the events of the day caught up with her as her eyes begin to grow heavier by the second she finally gave in and went to sleep. The sound of music caused her to awaken. She yawned as she slowly opened her eyes and sat up. She looked out the window just in time to see a sign reading ''Now Leaving Utah'' ''we should be entering Las Vegas in about six hours then Raymond you're up to drive.'' Antonio said from the driver's seat animosity dripping from his words. They must have just done a shift change. She must have been more tired than she thought to have been out for that long. Regina sat across from her still giving her the stank eye Promise just rolled her eyes and looked away. ''Are you sure you want to let the crackhead drive?'' Yolonda asked as she grilled Raymond. Erik let out a snicker but he tried to cover it up like he was coughing. Erik thought it was a bit funny to finally see so many people finally put Raymond in his place and give him what he deserved. Raymond thought he was so tough and untouchable when the only reason he felt that way was because he would beat on women smaller and weaker than him. Erik sat next to Angel in deep thought and she noticed he was quieter than usual and decided to ask him what was on his mind. Angel's voice brought him from his thoughts. ''I'm sorry what did you say?'' Erik said, giving her his full attention. ''I was asking if you were okay, you look deep in thought." Erik went silent for a while he knew he needed to talk to someone about his thoughts and feelings but where does he begin? Angel's voice cuts through his thoughts again. '' Does this have anything to do with your mom?'' Erik knew everyone knew about his mom's drug problem and how he worked two jobs to help out when he really knew the money was going to her drugs. However, his last straw was when he came home from working a double shift and found her passed out in her own urine and he had to take her to the hospital and found out she was OD'ing. He doesn't even know why he let Raymond loop him into his latest scheme. Erik looked at Angel sighing deeply. ''She's a lost cause honestly drugs are the only thing of importance to her she put them over everything that ever mattered to her including me.'' ''Is that why you left?'' Erik shook his head slowly ''yeah but now Raymond has looped us all in his newest scheme to move some drugs from L.A. back to Harlem for two hundred sixty thousand dollars I did the math that's sixty-five thousand dollars each I'd be set so why do I feel so guilty?'' Angel was silent for a second processing this information. ''Maybe you feel guilty because you're trusting a crook like Raymond and you're about to supply other people with the same substance that destroyed your life as well as your mom's and have it do the same to others and ruin their lives and families.'' Erik knew what he was doing was wrong but the money gave him what he needed to finally live for him but he also was constantly beating himself for it ''Raymond has some bummer plans and I'm not feeling them'' He said sighing and putting his head in his hands. ''What's stopping you from backing out is it the money?'' Angel asked. Erik shook his head and removed his head from his hands and looked up at her. ''Raymond, Carlos, and Antonio have been my friends since we were shorties which is why I can say Raymond has changed he's dangerous and it honestly terrifies the hell out of me sometimes.'' Angel's heart went out to Erik he was so sweet and tried to help others when the situation with his mom came out everyone was shocked, to say the least. Angel glanced in Raymond's direction to see him looking at her. As Raymond stared into Angel's eyes he made a gun with his fingers and pretended to shoot in Antonios' direction all while having this sinister smile on his face. Angel quickly looked away from him hearing his low chuckle and suddenly she was in fear of her and her friends' safety.

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