Chapter 4

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Everyone climbs into the van and is back to joking, laughing, and having a good time we still have over twenty-four hours of this trip to go. Even though everyone's mood was good and mellow which I think was due to the joint they were passing around I just couldn't get over how Regina treated me today what was going on with her? Did Raymond really have her nose this wide open? ''We'll be arriving in Nebraska in about thirty to fourty minutes to refill the tank and grab some snacks then it's your turn to take over Carlos.'' I heard Erik yell from the front which pulled me from my thoughts. That had to be the quickest thirty to forty minutes ever because we were pulling into a gas station before I knew it. Everyone made their way out of the van and went on to their own devices, I was making my way to the bathroom when I felt a tug on my arm it was Yolonda. '' Is everything okay? You've been quiet and withdrawn the whole drive.'' She said with a concerned look on her face. I let out a sigh ''yes I'm fine guess I'm just a bit more tired than I thought .'' I said giving her the best fake smile I could muster up, she still had a look of uncertainty on her face but she didn't say anything and let me continue on my way to the bathroom. I enter the bathroom and made my way to the sink I turned on the cold water and splashed some on my face. I immediately opened my eyes as the sound of the door opening caught my attention. I turn around and see Raymond standing there looking high as a kite. "You looking mighty fine Promise but then again you always are." He said stumbling and slurring his words I try to make my way around him and get to the door. "Wait wait why the rush?" He said grabbing my arm tightly and roughly pushes me against the wall. "I just want to talk with you" he begins feeling me up. I immediately push him as hard as I could but it was no use he just stumbled a little bit and was right back on me pulling at my clothes and planting sloppy disgusting kisses on my neck. "Stop it now Raymond." I said landing a scratch on his face drawing some blood. He touched the mark and hissed a little he turned to me with burning anger "Bitch!" He screamed and slapped me across the face. "So you going around with Antonio huh? Giving him a taste well I want one too I want to see if you as sweet as you look." He said trying to unbutton my pants. However, before he could I raised my leg kneeing him right in the groin and I ran out of the bathroom straight for the van as tears fiercely made their way down my face. "What's wrong?" It seems like everyone asked at once. "Raymond has lost his damn mind he just tried to attack me in the bathroom." I said through my tears Antonio stormed off back into the direction I just came from. "Where are you going?" I screamed out to him "I'm going to kill that lowlife son of a bitch" he shouted back over his shoulder with anger dripping from every word. I just laid on Yolonda and cried as Regina glared at me then she finally spoke " I'd watch her Yolonda Carlos might be the next one she sinks her claws into" "Excuse me?" I said angry and baffled "You heard me Antonio wasn't man enough for you so you push up on Raymond it's pathetic." Before I knew it I had thrown a punch at her and we were both fighting until a single gunshot ringing through the air snapped us back to reality.

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