Chapter 2

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"What?!" I asked in amazement, choking on my food and dropping the fork in surprise.
"Everything okay with you? Aren't you glad?" my mother asked and looked at me skeptically.
"No, but I am happy..." I stammered, trying to find a calm, convincing tone.
"Okay..." my mother said and looked at me with a look that betrayed that she didn't quite believe me yet but that didn't matter.
That explained Chris' message, because "Until soon" meant "I'll see you soon": "This year we're spending Christmas together...
How dreadful it was to think about it...No, what am I doing to myself this stress? The incident the other day was quite unexpected and I would never have expected such a thing from him, but I didn't have to worry because I had told him that I didn't want anything from him. He, on the other hand, had said that he knew it was strange, but he accepted it. If he knew it was weird, why the hell did he ask? My God, how stupid can you be, but the main thing is that he accepts it and leaves me alone...

Two days later it was time to pack.
"Mom! Is my underwear still in the laundry basket?" I shouted.
I packed some thick tights, my favorite hoddie, winter jacket and a few more things from my packing list into the suitcase.
"No, they're in the washing machine. I'll pack it for you later...!" her answer came from downstairs.
So I packed everything into the suitcase except the underwear and took a shower afterwards.
At 16:15 our plane took off for Denmark. A sinking feeling spread in my stomach, as if something unexpected would happen that I did not know about...
This discomfort made me so tired that I fell asleep shortly after take-off.
About 1 hour later we landed in Copenhagen, where Chris was already waiting for us.
"Welcome to Denmark!" he said and hugged us as a greeting. While he hugged me tightly, he whispered in my ear:
"I'm very happy you're here" and it seemed as if his one hand was sliding a little bit towards my bottom, but before I could make sure and react, he let go of me and took our suitcases. He seemed as friendly as the last time we saw each other.
"Where has Jacob gone?" he asked in surprise.
"Unfortunately, he is on a business trip this year for Christmas..speaking of which, where is your mother?" my mum replied.
"She stayed at home or rather she has been standing in the kitchen all day. Come with me to the car..."
In the parking garage we got into his black Range Rover and set off for Odense.
" We were very happy about your invitation, the more people the more beautiful Christmas is." my mum, who was in the front passenger seat next to Chris, warbled.
"Kylie, what took your breath away?" he asked laughing, but he looked at me firmly with his dark eyes through the rear view mirror. The brown of his eyes is so dark that they almost looked like black holes.
"Uh...nothing, I'm just tired..." I muttered, and Chris laughed.
"You're welcome to take a nap and I'll fill you in when we get there."
I hope he was joking, he might as well just wake me up.
"That's nice, but no thanks," I said in an endearingly neutral tone.
When we arrived, the sun had already set.
The apartment of Marlene and Chris was huge, strangely enough it was even two-story. The furnishing was modern and resembled the exhibits from Ikea (even though Ikea comes from Sweden).
When we entered the apartment, Marlene had happily fallen around our necks and asked us directly to table.
"Kylie sit down there next to Chris" she asked me, at the same time she was already pushing me on the chair.
Oh great. Why do I have to sit next to him of all people? But okay, it's just dinner. Tomorrow morning I'll choose my own seat...
"I hope you like it, it's my grandmother's recipe: bon appétit," she warbled and handed out to everyone. The vegetable casserole looked delicious and tasted simply heavenly after the first bite.
"Mm, Marlene tastes fantastic," my mother and I said in the choir.
"I'm so glad! Oh, I almost forgot..." she fetched a bottle of red wine and poured it out to everyone.
"Let's toast our beautiful and hopefully exceedingly white Christmas together!"
"Cheers. Cheers.
"Cheers! Cheers!
The red wine tasted good and made my stomach warm.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here after all, besides Chris seems quite normal and friendly. However, before the incident on Snapchat, he had also seemed quite normal...
And as if he had heard my thoughts, I felt something glide up my knee.
"Uhm, huhh..." I brought up surprised, whereupon everyone looked at me.
"Uh, I'm warm after the food and the wine, haha..cough" I looked at my plate and Marlene and my mom continued to talk. Suddenly it slipped under my skirt! Nervously I turned to Chris and thought about how I could tell him inconspicuously that he should keep his fucking hand with him.
"Would you like some dessert?" he asked with a smile and looked at me firmly again.
That son of a bitch.
"No thanks, I've eaten so much I feel cramped already..." and looked at him meaningful.
"Well, maybe I'll show you where you'll be sleeping," he said and before I could say anything back, my mum stepped in.
"That's a good idea, it's 9:00 at night."
"Mum I'm 16!"
And so we got up, I took my suitcase and then we went into the hall.
"Come on, I'll get your suitcase" said Chris and led me up the stairs.
"Here is the bathroom, there's my room, and next to it is the guest room where you sleep."
My room looked cosy, the bed is made of wood (like the rest of the furniture) and the walls are painted cream white. There was also a shelf with books, a desk and a hammock.
Chris put down my suitcase and turned to me.
"If you need anything, let me know. Otherwise, good night!" and so he walked out of the room.
I was really tired even though I had slept on the plane.
Since Marlene and my mum would probably sit downstairs for a long time, which was partly due to the wine, I decided to make myself comfortable for once today. I closed the door, put on my pajama pants over my underwear and rummaged in my suitcase. As sick as it probably sounds, but since I would never dare to buy one at 16 and therefore need an alternative, our old electric toothbrush with such a tongue cleaning attachment (which nobody has used before) is my vibrator. As I said, I often wonder if there is something wrong with me, but I have my needs and necessity makes me inventive.
I turned off the light and went to bed, where I pulled the blanket over me up to my chest. A little leggy I lay on my back, turned on my homemade vibrator (which is quite quiet although it vibrates) and let it slide into my pajama pants. Again and again I changed the vibration levels, turned on the head cinema and noticed how I slowly got wet.
Carefully I pressed the vibrator with pushing movements against my clitoris.
We got hotter and hotter and just when I was about to climax I noticed someone standing next to my bed: it was Chris!

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