Chapter 1

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Finally the last week of school began.In the evening I threw myself on my bed, my cell phone in my hand and checked my messages.Snapchat: Chris (1New message)What a nice surprise!

Chat: (7. Dez) Chris
Me: Hey, what's up?
Chris: Not much👌🏻What about u?
Me: Nah, School, school, school...🤷🏻‍♀️
But just 1 week and we have X-Mas Holidays.
Do you have also X-Mas Holidays in Denmark?
Chris: Yes, I go to Gran Canaria.

Chris: How is the boys?😀 So there was someone who didn't quite pay attention in English classes....

Me: Which Boys?
Chris: Boyfriend?
Me:'s a bit complicated and crazy haha
Chris: Hæhæ

Wtf, what was that all about? Hæhæ?

Me: And I've changed school and my friends told me that there are two boys in my class which...mmm..are in love with me🙉🙈
But I won't them...
Chris: Arg okay. What do u Think about sending nudes?

SORRY? He wasn't serious, was he? What I think about sending nude pictures?!

Me: Eh, what?
Chris: U know what I mean?
Me: I guess..
Chris: Hmm
Are u still virgin?

Somehow I didn't like the conversation...maybe he had been drinking? What should he care if I am still a virgin when he has a girlfriend?

Me: Sry, but what? Why do u ask me something like that?
Why do u ask me if I'm still virgin?
Chris: Uhm, I'm literally just asking, I'm bored soo.. But sorry, if it was too offensive

Then he sent me a snapshot saying that we should not tell anyone about this conversation.

Me: What about your girlfriend?
Chris: Its not going very well
Me: Oh no, Why?
Chris: Don't know

Again a snap, this time it said how I would feel if we would send each other nice pictures...

Me: I don't know how I would feel
Chris: Hmm
Me: I must go to bed cause tomorrow is school
Chris: Sleep Well

Chat: (13. Dez) Chris

Chris sent me a snap with the inscription You're beaty

Me: What do u mean with beaty?😂
Chris: You are beautiful
Me: Okaaay thank u
How was 're day?
Chris: Pretty good, what about yours?
Me: it was cold haha
But also funny
Chris: Yeah, do u have snow?
Chris: We got. And it snow a lot.
What do you think of me?
Me: Uhm, why?
Chris: It would be nice to hear
Me: Puuh, Idk what I think of u, u're a friend
Chris: If I don't gave a girlfriend?
Me: The same, you're just a friend👌🏻
Chris: Hmm you couldn't have any relationship with me?
Me: Is this again such a question cause you're bored ?
Chris: No, I'm serious
Me: Why do you ask me something like this? You have a wonderful girlfriend
Chris: You r wonderful
Me: Why do u think so? U don't know me very good?
Chris: No but u like nice, and we could have some good moments in the bed


Me: What?! You're creepy
Chris: Yes
Me: Idk what do you think of me but I'm not stupid.
If it is a joke it's a bad joke cause it's not funny
Chris: No it's not
I'm seriously!
Me: Do u have drunk something?
Chris: You don't think we can make a relationship with pictures and a nice talk
Me: No
Chris: Why?
Me: Because I say no
Chris: Ok I'm just asking

Outraged, I wrote him some more, but inside I was overcome by a strange feeling....On the one hand: I'm only 16 and (well today it's no longer rare that 16 year olds have sex) I want to wait for the right one.On the other hand...there is a part of me that...well, I am just dying to finally try it out. Sometimes it's so scary that I wonder if there's something wrong with me, but doctors always say that teenagers in puberty have an awakening of sexuality etc. In short, I know that it is nothing bad and normal, but I find the strength of this need unusual and I would never ask about it at my age...Besides, who does not know that when something is forbidden, it is the most fun? It's not illegal to do it voluntarily at 16, but I'm sure my parents wouldn't be too happy about it. However, this contradicts my opinion that you should only sleep with someone if you really love them and have known each other for some time (especially the first time). Of course, this is just my opinion or how I want to handle it in my case, all the others as they want it or everybody's would be a, no. No! I wasn't allowed to think about something like this once, Chris should go where the pepper grows. I would not go to bed with him...A few days later, after I had this strange conversation with Chris, I got a new message from him."See you soon" was written in big letters on a black picture. See you soon? What did this mean? He was in Denmark and I was more than 1000 km away..especially I was not in a hurry to see him after the last writing. I would love to never see him again, because such a pig who wants to sleep with someone out of nowhere, even though he hardly knows her and has a girlfriend on top of that, should just be far away from me!"Lie! Food is ready" my mum called from downstairs."I'll be right there!" I called back, grabbed my cell phone and went down to the kitchen. My mom was putting the food on the table when I came in."Mmm, that smells delicious!" I said, because there was Asia Pan (which I loved to eat for life)."That pleases me""Bon appetite" we said to each other and started eating. It tasted heavenly, I devoured a second portion with pleasure."Mm, I have a surprise for you," my mother started while she was chewing."This year we're going to have a white Christmas, because we've been invited to Denmark to Marlene and Chris."

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