Chapter 9

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"What? He has come home now, hasn't he? Why couldn't he have come here before Christmas Eve, then he could have come with us to Denmark!" my mother indignantly said, which I thought I could hear from the kitchen downstairs. What was she so upset about now that she was scribbling around like that ! If she continued like that, she would wake Chris up, which would not be good for me at all, because I wanted to take a shower in peace without some horny bastard jumping on me early in the morning....
"Kylie! Kylie! Could you come here please?" she yelled even louder now. I quickly jumped up, pulled on my hoodie and sprinted down to the kitchen to get my mom off her loud tone as quickly as possible.
"Mom, stop yelling like that! It's 6:30 in the morning..." I snapped at her in a whisper."Kylie, I have some good news and some bad news for you-" she continued still loudly, her hyper nature is really getting on my nerves sometimes."Mom! Don't yell like that, please..." I yelled at her again, and she did me the favor and lowered her voice, but it was already too late, because Chris came slurping down the stairs and wished us a good morning. Great."I'm going to buy some fresh milk real quick, do you guys need anything?" he asked sleepily, we answered in the negative and Chris grabbed his key and was gone a short time later. "Ah the boy has become such a great young man!" my mother revelled, looking after Chris with a smile. If only she knew... „Mmm..." „Well, the good news are that your big brother came home yesterday. He was able to get a flight home after all, but he forgot that none of us were home, however the second piece of happy news is that your dad got time off for Christmas Eve after all...well, what a mess, but there's nothing that can be done about it. I'm sure they both came up with something and had a great Christmas as a couple. Let's get to the bad news....
We are already leaving tonight, because we shouldn't miss the fact that both, your father and your big brother, are finally home. I understand that this must be very spontaneous and unpleasant for you now, since you and Christian seem to get along quite well and he surely wanted to show you some more of Denmark, but we will definitely come to Denmark again sometime." With these words she pulled me close and gave me a kiss on the head, I silently agreed with her but inwardly thanked God for this news. The bad news, as my mother had called it, almost beat the good news, but only almost. I wasn't at all disappointed that we were leaving early, because it would spare me more sexual assault from Chris. I had to pull myself together not to jump for joy, but instead I stuck my tongue out in glee because Chris was just coming back in."Oh, Chris we're leaving today unfortunately..." I said with an innocent expression on my face, looking at him sadly with as much effort as I could muster."How, why is that?" he asked puzzled, looking questioningly at my mother."Nicolas has come home from New York and so has Gerard. We haven't had Nicolas home in almost 5 years and now we have to take advantage of it. Our flight leaves tonight!" my mum explained."Oh that's a shame! But I can totally understand that." said Chris with an understanding in his tone that scared me in a way, because while he was doing that he was looking deep into my eyes mysteriously. He seemed almost like a machine, but my mother didn't seem to notice and she now took the milk from his hand and went to the coffee machine."How about you two go set the table and I'll prepare the food for breakfast, I feel like baking my own rolls again, I think that's a nice idea for the end..." she said with conviction, thoughtfully sipping her coffee and leaning against the counter as casually as she is rarely seen."Um I was actually going to take a shower, Mum..." I tried to escape the kitchen, but my Mum shook her head and said I could do that right after I set the table.
„But hurry up, I want to shower before breakfast too." said Chris as he pulled out knives and forks from the drawer below the china cabinet. Seriously? Really, this couldn't be true now.... How could I be so naïve as to believe that I had now immediately escaped him for good? Of course he got it to make itself over me also still another last time. But I would not let this happen, maybe I was lucky and he had nothing evil in mind...While I set the table together with Chris, I thought of my big brother.I was 11 years old when Nicolas traveled to New York every 2 months because he was discovered by a model scout and was suddenly incredibly in demand. One might think that modeling had made his school career more difficult, however, the complete opposite was true: my brother proved to be so hardworking that he graduated from high school at the age of 18. However, he realized that he didn't want to pursue modeling as his main profession, or rather, he also wanted to study, he could model on the side, but he dreamed of studying medicine, which with his 1, 0 average eventually became feasible. But the sad side of it was that I had not seen him now for 5 years, although I wrote with him him now and then, but that was not the same. And now, he was back! Determined to remain undaunted, I trudged upstairs and stuffed all my clothes into the suitcase, except for shower clothes and fresh underwear, which I now wanted to take into the bathroom. But before I could leave the room, Chris knocked on the door and came in. Oh no.
"Hey Kylie, I just wanted to say goodbye and wish you a safe trip home..." said Chris calmly, with a sad look that resembled a begging puppy. What the hell?! What did he just say? He just wanted to wish me a safe trip, nothing more?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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