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The morning sun was warm on Chihiro's back

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The morning sun was warm on Chihiro's back. She walked carefully over the rough road as the loose cobbles had a tendency to move under her feet. It would not do if she fell, her daughter would not appreciate it and her stomach would like it even less. Chihiro wondered if there would ever be a time when she would not feel sick in the morning. She could not remember what it was like to wake refreshed and hungry for her breakfast.

She thought back to the previous night in an effort to take her mind off her churning stomach. Well, if it was churning, it was not on the fast cycle at least; she could ignore it.

Linca had returned looking grim. She had spoken to Scott and Chihiro in hushed tones, not wishing to wake Rin.

"The place is a dump!" she hissed. "Barely inhabited, those who are there are either slaves who can't leave or spirits too frightened to try and leave. There are lots of guards and they look like they might be a little free with their katanas. Most of the spirits I saw where weak woodland spirits. Little sprites are easy to intimidate."

"They work in the paddy fields outside the citadel during the day," interrupted the Nygel with a snort. "By the look of them, they don't get much of the rice they harvest. Even those who are not slaves might as well be. The guards herd them all out to work and round them all up at sunset and lock them back in the citadel." Linca for once did not glare at the horse for interrupting her.

"Most of them live in hovels by the citadel walls; they don't have access to the centre of the city." She sighed. "The centre looks very plush; there is a small wooden castle with gold leaf on the roof. I saw several well-dressed people wandering around some very nice gardens. My guess is that they are living very well off the people slaving in the fields. They probably export most of what they produce. I saw quite a few carts leaving on the south side of the Citadel. The road is in much better repair there."

Chihiro's heart sank. It did not sound like the kind of place any of them should visit.

Rin had been told in the morning. She had looked confused.

"I don't remember any slaves," she murmured. "I used to go into the market for jewellery once a month. I could not leave the carriage but I saw the townspeople. They looked well-fed and happy. I almost envied them their simple lives..." She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to concentrate.

"Don't force yourself," murmured Scott. "It will come when it is ready"

Rin relaxed and nodded gravely.

"Why don't you ride for a while, mistress?" asked the water horse, startling her out of her musings. "The ground is very uneven if you should fall..."

"I'm fine," murmured Chihiro, rolling her eyes a little. The horse's protectiveness was annoying and it caused stabs of loneliness in her heart because he was reacting as Haku would. If the dragon had had his way she would be at home for the fourteen months of her pregnancy and not attempting a rescue. The Nygel clearly felt the same. "I am pregnant, Snaffu, not ill."

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