The Cleansing, Part 2

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The next day, Rin and Linca woke Chihiro up at the first stirrings of dawn for her "cleansing bath

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The next day, Rin and Linca woke Chihiro up at the first stirrings of dawn for her "cleansing bath." This seemed to be an excuse to strip off her clothes and dunk her in a cold stream, much to the amusement of the local water spirit who, luckily, was female.

"It's winter and there is snow on the ground. You are going to kill me!" squeaked Chihiro as her sisters poured buckets of stream water over her head. She stood in the icy, swift-moving water and shivered uncontrollably. The water gurgled happily.

"And you can shut up too!" Chihiro snapped at it, forcing the words out between her chattering teeth.

"Stop moaning," said Rin. "The water must be pure and this is the purest we could find." The water gurgled, pleased by the compliment.

"Besides," said Linca. "Cold is good for the soul and we want yours to be in top condition when you give it away."

"The purity of my soul will be of little benefit if my body has raging pneumonia," muttered Chihiro. "Haku will really thank you warmly for ruining the night of our mating."

"Nonsense," said Linca tipping another bucket full of water over the disgruntled human's head. "Dragon boy won't let a little thing like snot and phlegm get in his way."

"Linca that's disgusting!" exclaimed Rin, while filling her bucket.

"It's the truth; after two days of not seeing her, and then, when she shows up playing the blushing bride for a few hours... well, he will be gagging for her!"

"Right!" thought Chihiro. "I'm not putting up with any more of this!" She concentrated on the amused water flowing around her feet. It was having a great time; this was the best fun it had had in a decade.

"River!" Chihiro snapped.

"Yes?" replied a high and breezy little girl's voice.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Yes," it replied happily.

"And do you know who my mate will be?"

"Yeesss," said the river, a little more carefully.

"Then with that in mind, would you do me a small favour?" Chihiro knew she was shamelessly pulling rank, but she rarely used the perks that came with her status as a dragon's lover and soon to be life mate.

"I am at your service," said the water, sounding servile and a little awed to be asked to do something by the famous human, Chihiro.

"It's not too difficult; I just want you to dunk my sisters in you and hold on to them for a short while."

No sooner had she thought her request at the water than there was a splash either side of her. Rin and Linca both squeaked and found themselves sitting up to their waists in freezing stream water. Chihiro waded out of the stream and informed it that she would tell Haku how helpful it had been. She hunted around for her clothes but could not find them on the bank where her sisters had dumped them.

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