The Painted Lady

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Chihiro opened her eyes

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Chihiro opened her eyes. Yes, the red room was still there, though there was significantly less light coming through the windows. How long had she been asleep? How long had Rin been gone? The sun was setting; she must have been gone hours. Not for the first time, Chihiro wished some of the more useful human-world technology would work in the spirit world. It was a great pity Softbank(1) did not put up mobile phone receivers in the spirit world. Also, digital equipment, for example, modern watches refused to work. Scott had a clockwork wristwatch, but the big red-headed man was still fast asleep; she was loathed to disturb him. She sighed, coming finally to a harsh realisation. Scott was probably not going to be fit for travel for some time. That left Chihiro with a dilemma; wait for him to recover, or leave him behind in someone's care. She could not afford to be delayed, but she could also not leave her good friend behind. She shook her head; she was thinking of something she had no control over. They were at Hikaru's pleasure; she could do nothing but wait and see if they could escape.

Linca shifted and moaned in her sleep. Chihiro did not want to know what the sprite was dreaming but she could guess. This was probably the longest period of abstinence the sprite had experienced since starting work at the bathhouse.

There was a noise at the door as if someone with sharp nails was scratching at it. There it was again; two scratches, barely audible.

"Mistress Chihiro?" hissed a voice. "Are you awake?"

Chihiro frowned. It sounded like their lion spirit guard. She struggled to her feet, still a little groggy.

"What is it?" she asked quietly, trusting the spirit's keen hearing to pick up her whisper through the door. A slip of paper was pushed under the door. Chihiro bent to pick it up. She recognised Rin's handwriting. She quickly unfolded and scanned the note.


Hikaru and I have reached an agreement. I will stay here. Hikaru wants to make amends and I have decided to let him try. He says our daughter lives and I must find out if this is the truth. I will tend to Scott myself and his good treatment is a condition of my remaining here. You will be free to continue with Linca and our friend waiting outside.

Go with my love.


Chihiro reread the note twice, just to be sure she had understood it. What was Rin doing? She hated and feared Hikaru! What in both the worlds had persuaded her that this was the best idea? Even if their daughter did live, Chihiro was sure that Rin knew Hikaru would not tell her Tori's whereabouts. He would exploit the knowledge and use it to keep Rin with him. It could all just be a cruel lie!

There were other ways to find Tori. Rin's blood was her blood. With a little creative magic from a powerful spirit, they would know not only if Tori were alive but they could even get a clue to her location. Chihiro guessed Hikaru would be very careful not to let Rin near a spirit with such abilities. In fact, Chihiro was willing to wager her last bar of French chocolate that Rin would not even go beyond the castle grounds for some considerable time. Why was she doing this?

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