A Goddess's Confession

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"Oww, my head" complained Linca

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"Oww, my head" complained Linca. "I feel like I have a hangover and I've not had a hangover in two centuries." The white haired spirit was rubbing at her temples and squinting up at the moon.

"What are you talking about?" snapped Rin. "You drink more vodka than a parched nymph would drink water."

"I'm immune to it," sighed Linca. "I've had too much of a good thing. I got blind drunk for a whole two weeks after being set free from my second period of servitude. Not been able to get drunk since."

All three spirits had woken from their exhausted sleep. The nygel seemed unaffected by draining himself and had wondered away into the woods determined to fill his empty belly. Rin and Linca, however, had hideous headaches and only wanted to bicker.

"You never did tell me what you did to get a servant's sentence," groaned Rin, laying her delicate head on the ground once more. "And you must be fairly stupid to incur the penalty twice."

"That coming from the woman who begged Yubaba to take her memory from her and now wants to remember why," scoffed Linca. "I'd say out of the both of us you were the more stupid. Did it never occur to you to write the reason down somewhere before the name stealing?"

Rin squinted at the spirit and swore at her. Scott looked helplessly at Chihiro.

"Rin can't remember who or what she was before she worked at the bathhouse; she gave her memories to Yubaba willingly. Linca has had a very chequered past. A year and a day of servitude is a standard sentence for a spirit that steps out of line," she summarised for him.

Scott frowned at the spirits, as if seeing them in a whole new light.

"I don't regret my first servitude," said Linca with a hint of a smile. "I was caught in a compromising situation with the local spirit lord."

"You got a years' servitude for that?" squeaked Chihiro, making both spirits cover their ears. "You'd be permanently in servant's white if you got punished every time you dragged some poor unsuspecting male into bed with you."

"Not just males either," said Linca with a grin. "I recommend experimenting within your own gender to everyone." Her smile turned lazy and her voice husky. "No one knows how to please you like someone who has the same equipment you do."

Scott sighed and folded his arms.

"Please, Linca," he sighed and gave her a stern look. "I've not had my evening meal yet. Can we refrain from discussing your sexual orientation until after I have eaten?"

Chihiro nodded, agreeing with him. She did feel rather nauseous. She was hungry but her stomach had begun to churn in warning. She thought she might skip her dinner and go straight to sleep. It had been a stressful day, no wonder she felt ill.

"You're just jealous you are not as uninhibited as me," Linca growled and rubbed her head. "Besides, this lord had decided to spend a century celibate to honour some god of his. It was his mate that found us."

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