In the Mire

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Haku groaned

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Haku groaned. He was awake again. How long had he been out this time? He was unsure but the rays of sun pouring from the tiny window above him told him he had slept the bitter night through. He let his head hang again to try and stretch the muscles in his shoulders. He was getting used to the pain. Indeed, his arms, pinned above him, were starting to become numb. For a human this would have been very worrying but Haku knew his body could take care of itself; his stomach wound was almost healed. His head still hurt but at least he was no longer trying to vomit. His lack of strength was entirely down to his efforts on the spells that cut him off from his power. He smiled to himself; it had been worth it; he had seen her.

He had been about to pass out from another session of attacking the weave of the spells that bound him when he felt something give. It was like breathing a tiny amount of pure oxygen after nearly drowning. He gasped, and then to his embarrassment, he panicked. He was terrified that the weave of the spell would try to repair itself at any moment and he would lose his tenuous hold on his power. His heart in his mouth, Haku shoved everything he had at the tiny breach. Of course he passed out, but he did not fail. He did not want to re-establish connection to the water, he knew what would be happening and there was nothing he could do to help it. It was his mate that he reached for.

When he found himself sitting in his own house, he knew he was not really there. He suspected he was in his own mate's mind. The nygel sleeping by the fire made him raise an eyebrow, then again his human did not care what calibre of spirit she associated with; it was one of her charms. He turned and saw her sleeping on the chair next to him. He had sighed with relief; she was fine. She looked a little pale but otherwise she was healthy. That would have been enough for him, but at that moment she became aware that she was not alone within her own mind. He had hoped that he would remain long enough for her to see him. He was given more than he could ever hope for. He got a chance to speak to her. Her face changed when she saw him, it lit up with a euphoric joy that both warmed and humbled him. What had he ever done to be so loved? She had shed tears and promised to find him; he had told her that she was to look after herself and to stay safe. She was so fragile, and there was no chance of her finding him; even he did not know where he was. She would stay safe and in doing so fulfil whatever prophecy she was meant to. She had reassured him she would stay safe; it had been all he needed to hear.

He had woken up, parched and in pain. When had he last eaten? He did not know and he had lost track of the days too.

He jumped as the bolts in the door opposite him rattled back. He had a visitor; that was a new development. Since he had taken a snap at Yubaba he had been left alone. The door opened, scraping the floor and piling up mini sand dunes behind it. Haku winced as the sound echoed around his sensitive skull. In the doorway stood a tall figure, hidden in shadow. While Haku had no access to his power, his other senses worked perfectly well. He could smell the magic running through this spirit; this was no mere jailer, it was too powerful for that. He remained silent, taking in as much information on the spirit as he could. It moved into the cell and the light from the window fell on jet black hair that seemed to devour the light rather than reflect it, was longer than his own, and braided down the spirit's back. Haku met the grey eyes that regarded him with open interest. He still said nothing. The spirit closed the door and then laughed. Haku blinked, feeling confused. It had not been what he expected; the laugh was not taunting or bitter, it was a genuine laugh of amusement.

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