Saving Sector 7

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We run into Sector 7 and take notice of all the gun fire on the pillar. We watch as Wedge falls off of the pillar really high up. "Wedge", Cloud and Tifa yell. We run over where he landed, thankfully he is not that hurt.

"You all stay here, I'm going up there", Cloud says and rushes off. "Wait", I try to protest but its to late.

"Hey,he'll be fine", Aerith tells. "Right", I back to helping tend to Wedge. A huge piece metal almost lands on us but, Tifa super kicks it away.

"Aerith, i'm going up there to, could please go to Seventh Heaven and get Marlene to safety", Tifa asks Aerith.

"Of course", Aerith responds.

"And I can show you the way", Wedge gets to his feet looking very determined.

"(y/n), please go with Aerith" Tifa begs me. I only nod worrying that I would sputter out something stupid.

Aerith, Wedge, and I run off in the direction of Seventh Heaven. We stop by the gate that stops people from leaving Sector 7. Those guards from before are stopping people from leaving. Why would they do that, do they not know what is happening. Wedge gets a ton of courage and screams in the guards faces and manages to convince the younger guard to open the gate.

"(Y/n), you think you could show Aerith the rest of the way", Wedge asks me.

"Definetly", I tell him. I can do this, I have to do this. For Marlene, for Barret, for Tifa.

I do my best to get us to Seventh Heaven but a bunch of debris keeps getting in our way. Finally we make it and just in time to there are not many paths ways for us to get out of here left.

"Marlene where are you, its me (y/n)", I yell out to her. I hear her quiet whimpers behind the bar. Aerith glides here way over there. They quietly chat and Aerith manages to get Marlene to come out.

"I know that smell, you smell like our flower", Marlene points to the flower on the counter. I had never noticed that. I saw Cloud had it on him but I never noticed he gave it to Tifa. I'm pretty sure lovers used to give those to each other when they were reunited. Now i'm just confused on who Cloud is dating. Maybe he is dating everybody and just didn't wanna tell me that he is a whore.

"Come on, we need to get out of here fast", I say.

We go to exit but someone opens the door and stops us. No it can't be, Tseng. I never wanted to see that face again. I feel like a baby hiding behind Aerith, but its taking everything in me to not burst into tears right now.

"Well someone has been to adventures I see", Tseng says to Aerith.

"Tseng", Aerith only whispers in reply.

"I see the other one is with you, we've been tracking you to, i'm surprised to see you without blonde guy", Tseng says.

I don't have any smart ass reply for him, i'm to nervous that i'm gonna get brought back to that awful place. I don't know why i'm complaining Aerith would probably have it worse there shes an adult. I can only imagine what kind of things they do to her.

"Not a child of many words huh". I want to reply, but I feel like throwing up more.

"Lets make a deal, I'll come with you willingly if you safely drop both of the girls off at my place", Aerith bargins.

"Aerith are you crazy you can't do that", I try to reason with her.

"Deal excepted" Tseng says and walks off expecting us to follow him.

"It's for the best (y/n), besides I will much better knowing that you safe from that place rather than trapped there. Besides i'm a big girl, I can handle myself regardless if Cloud feels the same".

She leaves me no room to argue with her as she follows Tseng outside to the plane. I wanna bawl my eyes out, i'm ruining another persons life. I sorrowfully follow everyone out to the plane. We fly to Aerith's place I assume.

"Men, take the little girl to the home", Tseng demands.

"What that wasn't the deal", Aerith yells standing to her feet.

"No it wasn't, did you really think we would miss the chance to grab both ancients , Tseng says.

"Then I won't go with and what you want won't work", Aerith says more pissed than I have ever seen her.

"That's fine, what happens in the lab is none of my business", Tseng tells her and tells the pilot to take off again.

"(y/n), i'm so sorry I should have tried better for you", Aerith apologizes.

"No Aerith its ok, i'm glade your not going alone, besides it would crush me if something to you just like what they did to my dad", I tell her.

"Your father was an amazing man, he helped me and my mother escape from Shinra when I was little girl", Aerith tells me.

"You knew him"I ask her?

"Yeah, and i'm sure that he would be very proud of who you have become. Minus some curses though", Aerith tells me.

"Thank you", I lay my head on Aerith's shoulder. I  don't mean to, but i fall asleep

                                    Cloud's Pov

I climb up the steps of the pillar occasionally running into Shinra troops. I cut them down easily and keep moving. I come to a platform and see Biggs laying on the ground. I rush over to him checking to make sure that he is alive.

"Biggs" I call out to him.

"You made it...though...I might not. Hey. Is Wedge...", Biggs wheezes out.

"Don't Worry. He'll bounce back", I tell him. If these are his last moments I don't want them to be him having to worry about a friend.

"That's...good to hear. Could've used some extra padding", Biggs says.

"Don't talk", I tell him.

"Its...pretty bad up there. Cloud. Promise me. Don't let it be for nothing." He asks me.

"What about you", I ask him.

"I've still got some fight left in me. 'Nough for another platoon or two. Don't gotta be a make a difference", Biggs says.

"oh. One more thing. The Leaf House. It's an orphanage. In the...Sector 5 slums. The kids...they're great. I used to visit", Biggs before coughing again.

"That you'll have to do yourself", I tell him.

"Lemme guess...not a fan of kids, well that...can't be true. What about (y/n)", Biggs chokes out.

"That's different", I mumble.

Biggs place his hand on my head. "Maybe cause you got so much in common", Biggs says.

"Good Luck...Cloud. Our future is in your hands", Biggs says before passing out.

I stand to my feet, I can't look at him knowing I could have done something to stop this from happening. That's what they hired me for in the first place. I need to press on before more things like this happen.

The Bombing of Emotions//Cloud Strife x Teen! ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin