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                                                                                    (Y/n)'s POV

I jolt up in my chair, the person living next door making really loud noises next door. Cloud flips out of bed, grabbing his Buster sword in the process. 

"Damn", I whisper out that was pretty cool. 

Cloud leaves to go check on our neighbor, he tells me to stay put. Huh, this is gonna last a while. 

I curl back up on the chair trying to fall back asleep. I hearing yelling from out side. I jump from my chair and rush through the door. Cloud is standing over an old cloaked man on the ground. 

"Cloud what are you doing", I shout!

 "(Y/n), go back inside, it's not safe out here", Cloud says, with real fear in his eyes. 

"Cloud, what are you doing get back inside", Tifa yells from behind me. 

What the hell is going on, I run back into our room.

What the hell, I feel so sick. I sit down on the bed trying to regain my breath. My chest starts to hurt, is this what it feels like to pass out. I lay back on the bed, my eyes drifting closed.

                                                                            Cloud's POV

After that odd encounter I go back to my room. Looking towards the bed, I see (Y/n) sprawled out on the bed. 

I chuckle and go over to fix her. I guess I'll take the floor. I truly don't mind, I know she is gonna make a big deal tomorrow. 

If she evens talks to me. God I really fucked up, obviously she was just trying to get answers. I got to find a way to apologize properly to her. Maybe I could buy her some new materia, she would love that. With this plan in my head, I dose off.

I wake, luckily with no back pain.

 "Oh, you're awake, good Tifa said she was waiting at the bar for you", (Y/n) says.

 "Oh, Ok, well we should get going then", I say getting ready. 

"I didn't think you would want me to come with you", she says.

 "I... I'm sorry about yesterday, I shouldn't have been so harsh and I have a way to make up to you", I tell her. She seems surprised but gets up and gets ready anyway.

                                                                               (Y/n) POV 

He has a way to make it up to me. That is so un Cloud-like. Collecting my things and throwing my backpack on, I follow Cloud outside. 

Maybe sense Cloud is apologizing I should try to make it up to him to. I mean, I did completely not listen to him and made him really worried.

 "Hey Cloud, I'm sorry to, I shouldn't have ran off on my own like that, I just, I was tired of not getting answers and thought this was my chance". 

Cloud doesn't say anything right away, I didn't expect him to. 

"It's fine, I have been completely honest with you any way, some of the answers your looking for, I know but i'm worried about how your gonna react". 

This shocks me, he knew things and didn't tell me. I don't want to start another argument so I move on but I know this is gonna bug me all day now.  

We reach the bar, this place is actual really nice. 

"Just letting you know, we are gonna be running around town doing jobs for people today, so if you don't wanna go with, say so now", Cloud warns me. 

Well of course I wanna go with, especially cause I didn't get to go with on the last job. Heading inside the bar, I final get to take a chance to look around. 

They have multiple game machines and a dart board in the corner. All in all it looks pretty nice in here. I follow Cloud to the counter where Tifa is. 

I wait silently to finish their conversation. I wonder if Tifa is like Cloud's secret crush or girlfriend. I'm gonna have to tease him about this later, or use it as blackmail. 

what I gathered from the short conversation was that we are going to be changing filters for people. Cool, another job where i sit around and watch, fun. 

While were out changing filters we met a handful of weird people. One guy even called Cloud a punk-ass bitch, yeah never going there again. 

I met some of the people worked with the other not, they were very energetic. final for the weird people we met, a boy who talks very robotic and can apparently make materia based on information Cloud gives him.

 Also Cloud gave me new materia, a assess materia and a healing materia. The best part about the day was finding out information about Shinra, which is a power company. 

After the long day we head back to the bar for a break. I take a seat at a table while Cloud and Tifa go to the counter to hang out. 

I pull out my clip board and pull out the files. Now that I know that Shinra is a power company, these will make more sense. I don't have much time to look at them though before that big man from last comes bursting into the bar.

 I quick jump to put my things away, while shuffling around the inside of the bag my hand brushes against a zipper I've never felt before. What the hell, how have I never seen or touched that before. I'll have to check that out later. 

More people walk into the room, including the people that Cloud had worked with last night.  They use a game machine to get into a secret basement. 

Whoa, I want a secret basement game machine thing. I look back over towards Cloud to see him sitting at the counter by himself. 

I'll go keep him company. I waltz over to Cloud and sit next to him. 

"So is Tifa like your girlfriend or something", I lean on my elbow looking at him. 

He coughs on his drink, "No". 

"Oh, so you just have a not so secret crush on her", I tease him. 

"Shut up", I can see a slight smile on Clouds face. 

I giggle, I'm glad me and Cloud aren't fighting anymore. 

"Wanna play a round of darts", I ask him.


I regret playing darts with Cloud. He's kicking my ass at this, how is he so good. 

Cloud wins for the fifth time and also gets the highest score on the board. 

"Alright I give up", I throw my hands up in mock surrender. 

Cloud only laughs at my suffering. 

"So, Cloud I didn't tell you, I found a secret pouch in the backpack", I tell Cloud.

 "Whats in it", Cloud asks. "Well I don't know yet, I like just found it", I reply. 

"We can both check it out later and I tell you all the answers you wanna know ok", Cloud says. 

I smile and give him a thumbs up, "I can't wait". 

The Bombing of Emotions//Cloud Strife x Teen! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now