Fuck the sewers

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I rarely ever leave authors notes but I wanted everyone to know what I have decided to do for the resolution. I'm not going to specify which one happened by just not doing Clouds Pov at that moment so it's completely up to you. I'm not going to write one for reader, for reasons you will discover. Enjoy

Cloud's Pov
I wake up laying on the solid ground of what looks like the Sewers. One breath of air and I definitely know it's the sewers. 

In front of me is Tifa and Aerith. I turn around and see (y/n) on the ground as well. I think back to what Don Corneo said, he knew here parents. 

I wonder how, by the disgusting comment he made I can only guess it's not for a good reason. I guess I can safely assume they're dead too based on what he said. 

A weird feeling of relief hits, as soon that's gone the feeling of guilt hits harder. Am I really that selfish that this random girls parents being dead makes me feel relief. Anyway I need to wake up the girls. Once they're both up and moving Tifa sprints over to (y/n).

She checks her pulse then tries to shake her awake. (Y/n) sits up fast, almost knocking heads with Tifa. 

She goes pale then hunches over opposite of Tifa and vomits. I come up behind her and rub her back. 

Whatever he said must have triggered another one of those headaches. On top of falling and hitting her head. 

"You good", I ask her. 

"Yeah, I think so", she stumbles a bit but stands up. 

"Alright we should get going", Tifa says. 

I can tell she is still worried about what Don Corneo said about the plate.

I rumbling sounds is heard behind us. What the hell could that be? In the hole of the back of the wall a huge pig like beast comes out. 

Before I can move (y/n) out of the way it grabs her. Shit, I draw my sword, so ready to fight this fucker. 

"Hey, put her down", Tifa yells at it.

 I don't think it can understand us. (Y/n) still looks pale as hell. I'm sure being shaken isn't helping her much. 

"Come guys lets make this quick", I tell them.

 It doesn't take for us to take this guy down especially with both mine and Tifa's limit break charged up. 

Tifa run and jumps off of the pig beast and catches (y/n) mid air. As Tifa falling back I run and catch both of them. "Nice team work Cloud", Tifa winks at me as she says this. 

Thank god (y/n) is so woozy right now, I could guess what kinda of jokes she would make about this.

"Cloud I don't know if we should let her walk", Tifa says still holding her. 

"Don't worry I got it", I take off my Buster Sword and lean it against the wall. I take (y/n) from Tifa and place her on my back and wrap her arms around my neck.

 "Ok, let's get out of here before we get jumped again", I say.

 "Don't worry Cloud, Tifa and I will cover you", Aerith says. 

The Bombing of Emotions//Cloud Strife x Teen! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now