You Did What

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Chatting with Cloud can go one of two ways. One, he indulges my stupidity and jokes around with me. Two, he completely ignores me and I'm basically talking to myself.

 Lucky for me, today is option one. I wonder what has got him in such a good mood. I bet it's Tifa or that he is getting paid a lot of money. 

Either way I'm gonna enjoy it while I can. The sound of someone coming up from the basement takes us out of our conversation. It's Tifa, looking pretty stressed.

Maybe I should go back to where I was sitting at the table. I slowly start to get up to sit down else where. 

Thankful Cloud doesn't make sit back down, that would be awkward. As I stand up my head starts to pound. It's the most awful pain I've ever felt. 

I hold my head out of shock. I feel tears naturally drop down my face. 

"Hey you ok", I think Tifa asks. 

"Yeah, probably just stood up to fast", I respond. 

"You sure kid, maybe you should sit down", Cloud says. 

"It's fine, I'm just gonna step outside, gets some sunlight on me", I say. I stumble outside, my head still in excruciating pain.

I feel like I'm gonna hurl. What could be causing this. I haven't eaten anything today, maybe that's why. I hear fast footsteps, I stumble to my feet only to crumble to the ground in front of someone. 

I have my eyes shut tight from pain so I have no idea who's feet I'm laying at. I feel more pain, the pounding is so loud it Blocks out the sound around me. 

Some one grabs my arm and suddenly images are flashing through my mind. I see a figure with long hair and a tall figure standing next to each other. 

The image flashes and I see a figure on their knees with another figure holding something to their head. The image flashes once more and the pounding stops. 

What the hell, just happened. I open my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light. I glance around and see I'm still on the Porch of Seventh Heaven. 

"(Y/n), Kid, can you hear me", I hear a voice say. Hovering over me is Cloud.

 "Huh", everything is so blurry, I'm so confused. 

"What happened when you came outside", Cloud asks? 

"Well I came out here to sit down, but then I heard you coming outside so I stood up but I only collapsed", I explain.

"Can you walk", Cloud asks. 

"I think", I slowly stand up. I stumble a little bit, but gain my balance. 

"Ok, let's go home", Cloud says. 

I follow Cloud, but we are stopped by a group of strangely dressed men. 

"Hey you there, blonde guy", they call out Cloud.

 I latch on to Clouds arm. 

"Who are these guys", I whisper to Cloud. 

"I don't know, just hold", Cloud pull out of my grasp and walks up to them. 

"Hey you know where a guy with a gun for an arm is" the leader asks Cloud. 

A guy with a gun for an arm, wait that's the guy from last night. They circle Cloud, I start to get nervous. 

"Depends", Cloud responds shortly.

"Come on let's go talk else where", the leader says. 

Cloud walks off with them, turning to me slightly he mouths "stay there". I listen this time, those guys are scary. I hope Cloud will be ok, there was a lot of them. I know Cloud can handle it if something happens though.

Clouds pov
I follow them to the back tunnel I was in earlier. I notice he tells one of the guys to stay behind. What are they planning. I walk in first the rest following behind. 

"Now we got you here tells where the guy is", the guy demands. 

"I said it depends" I respond. 

"Fine if that's how you want it, that girl you were with is another person we were asked to find", he says. 

I pull out my Buster sword, "you stay away from her". 

"Hey man now go get her, we got him", he yells to the man outside. Oh hell no, I'll take these guys out quickly.

Your POV
I hear fast footsteps coming my way. I turn around and see it's one of those men from before. I prepare to use my materia but he grabs me before I get the chance. 

I punch my arms out trying to fight back, but I feel all my energy leave me. How the fuck is this guy doing this. 

I feel myself being thrown over someone's shoulder. 

"HEY", I hear a shout in the distance. 

I want to look at who it is but I can't move. 

"Put her down", the voice is closer now. 

"No way man, the pay I'll be getting if I bring her in is more than you can imagine", the guy holding me says. 

What the fuck is going on. I feel the man get kicked to the ground and someone grabbing me out of the air. I being held bridal style now. 

"If you ever come back here to find her, you will have to deal with me", the person holding me says. I open my eyes the best I can to see Cloud. 

"C-Cloud", I stutter. 

"Hang on, were going back now", Cloud starts to walk home.

My eyes flutter open and closed for the whole walk. 

"Hi honey welcome home, took your sweet time", I hear a girls voice say. 

Huh, I didn't know Cloud had an actual girlfriend. 

"Psych", I hear her say. 

They must assume I'm asleep because they being to talk about business. 

"Can we talk inside, she's asleep so I don't think she will hear us", the strange girl says.

 We head inside and Cloud sets me down on the bed. Listening in on their conversation I understand that they are gonna sneak into a Shinra building tonight. 

To get things to build a bomb. A bomb for what though. 

"Last time I used a stronger blasting Agent, that's why the reactor exploded like that", the girl says. A reactor, wait does she mean those big towers that have the mako stuff in them.

Why would Cloud do that, I know him and Tifa are close but I didn't think he would go that far for a girl. The girl finally leaves, good, now I can confront Cloud. I open my eyes and sit up. 

"You blew up a reactor", I say. 

Cloud jumps, surprised that I'm awake. 

"Yeah whatever", Cloud brushes it off. 

"Why didn't you tell me", I ask. 

"I doesn't matter", Cloud says.

 I guess he's right, I don't even really know what a reactor is. 

"Anyway, about those guys before, what did they want with me", I ask.

 "I don't know, I was hoping there would be some answers In that backpack of yours", Cloud says. 

"Well let's find out", I say.

I open up my bag and unzip the mysteries zipper. I pull out a book, I'm it looks like a journal. Flipping it open I notice a lot of the pages have been ripped out.

 Why, what could be so bad that they needed to tear them up. I look over the pages that haven't been torn out. The first few pages don't really have any information that will help me. I flip to to the back and find a note addressed to me. 

What the hell?

"(Y/n) if your reading this, it means you made it out, there are gonna be people who are looking for you, I can't wright out all the information on this page but I need you know that I'm here for even if I'm not physically there, signed Miles".

The Bombing of Emotions//Cloud Strife x Teen! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now