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a/n think we need a chilled out chapter after the last one wow so much drama jeez

"Luke-ass," Michael whined, as we sat on the floor in his room, "you can't have the last slice of pizza."

"Yes I can," I giggled, taking a bite of it as he pouted, me sticking my tongue out and having another mouthful.

"Fine, you leave me no choice," Michael smirked before leaning forward as I bit into the pizza and biting into the other end at the same time... like Lady and the Tramp style. This made me giggle but he made eye contact with me as we got to the last bite, both of us smirking at each other as our lips met in the middle. We finished our mouthfuls with our lips irritatingly close but not quite touching. He cupped my face and brought my lips to his at long last.

I'd had a desperate craving to kiss him again after earlier and I guess you could say I was rather eager, moving closer to him and sitting in his lap with my legs round his waist. He moaned lowly and quietly as I pushed him backwards so I was straddling him, everything becoming a blur of moans, kisses and lips as it progressed into a heavy make out session.

"Mm," I whined as Michael pulled away, catching his breath.

"Luke," Michael smirked, "remember I still owe you anything you want."

"Fuck me," I blurted, Michael's eyes going wide.

"Luke, I..." Michael sighed, "I want you t-to lose your virginity to someone you want to spend your life with, someone who's important to you, not... me."

"Michael you're the most important person in my life right now," I said truthfully.

"No, you just want to fuck someone, and it shouldn't be me," Michael argued.

"Mikey, you mean the world to me. I- I don't even know what I'd do without you, hell I don't know how I lived without you before. You make me feel amazing, not just physically but emotionally too. I'm two fucking weeks clean because of you. You did that, you were what stopped me, you were what made me realise that I need to begin to love myself," I gushed, blurting out everything.

"Okay," Michael whispered, kissing my lips quickly. Then I realised that he'd just agreed. That was when the nerves set in.

"Are you okay? Are we gonna do this?" Michael asked me softly and I nodded nervously, "okay baby." he kissed my lips to calm me down and it worked a little but I couldn't help but think about him seeing my body. Michael played with the bottom of my long sleeved shirt and my breathing quickened. I can't do it.

"I'm sorry," I blurted, gently pushing him away from me, "I can't- I'm- I'm not ready. I know I said I was b-but Im not."

"Shh, baby it's okay," Michael wiped away my tears, "it's okay if you feel like we're moving too fast."

"No it's not that it's just... I don't... I don't want you to see my body," I choked, my voice very faint, "th-the scars are still there, I can't- they're-"

"Shh, shh, no no please don't cry," Michael begged, pulling me closer to him, "baby it's alright, they're just signs of a battle. A battle that you're winning, okay? You're so fucking strong, the strongest person I know after what you've been through and to still be dignified and stable. Fuck, Luke, you've got this babe, you don't think you do, but you have it all figured out. You're beginning to hate yourself less and that's a start. We'll take baby steps okay?" At this point I was crying so hard my vision had blurred and all I could focus on was Michael.

a/n (: ): I lied bc I said it would be a chilled out chapter buT DONT KILL ME BC NO FRICK FRaCK YET SORRY
guys you're all so strong too and ily

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