Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? - Book Filler

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Filled With Pain Chapter 10

Do you wanna build a snowman?
Come on lets go and play
I never see you anymore
Come out the door
It's like you've gone away-
We used to be best buddies

“You know I really am sorry about what happened with Wesley!” I said to Jules as I stole a bite from his meal before turning abruptly.

“Why do you feel the need to always hide the fact that your grubby hands have been in my food? I can see!”

“Barely.”  I mocked him, copying the tone used from our favourite vine as I stole a chip from his plate.

“I’ll allow you. Only cause you bought the meal. But next time!” His hand went across his throat to indicate the threat and the fear he was attempting to install in me. I smirked, knowing he had no back bone in sight. My hand reached again, but was thrown away as he slapped me off. “You eat too much” Jules said as he pushed my hand away stopping me from stealing another bite and tapped my stomach slightly.

We shared jokes, back and forth before we fell into a comfortable silence. He took the last bite from his Big Mac before turning to face.

“On a serious note…all jokes aside. Rayne your boy Wesley is wack. I mean how can he not recognise the kind of girl he has when it comes to you? You real wife material.”  We shared a laugh before glancing back at the TV screen for a split second.  I watched as he stood up putting a DVD into the player, I waited in silence as the home screen proceeded to pop up with characters such as Olaf and Sven with it.  

“FROZEN!” We both exclaimed together.

 It had been just over a month and a half since the club incident concerning Wesley and Jules and I had been by his side nearly 24 hours each day since. Some say out of guilt? Maybe…Well that’s what it started off as but then I began to genuinely enjoy his company. We had become close to best friends, if not brother and sister. We just seemed to CLICK.  He knew me better than my own blood brother did and I loved that about him. He took time out to talk to me and know me for me, in the past month or so we had been able to build a bond that would have taken years to build. Some would call it unconditional love. Since I had begun talking to Jules I had finally gotten back to the old me, the real Rayne Royal Quinns. Who was the real me you ask? I was a blogger/poet, I was talented in that aspect and I loved it and I was what you would call a joker. My goal each day was to make everyone laugh even if it stopped my happiness - my happiness came from their happiness. It was a simple as that. If I managed to get even a smirk out of somebody, then my day was complete.

“I just can’t! The skies awake! So I’m awake” The both of us mimicked in sync to Anna on the screen. This was by far my favourite movie ever alongside The Lion King. I believed in keeping my childhood alive and running and Jules agreed with me.

The past couple of weeks had consisted of us watching Frozen and Lion King back to back. When the movies were being played, there was complete and utter silence unless a song came on – we had the sing-along version, of course!

My phone began to ring and I laughed at Jules facial expression as he pointed to the door, forcing me to take my call in the hallway. Stepping out I slid my finger across the screen answering it,

“You have reached Rayne Royal Quinns voicemail, please leave a message after the tone.” I spoke on the phone in a monotone voice before making the beep tone.

“Why does everything have to be a joke with you Rayne? You play too much! ” I screeched as I heard my mother’s voice over the phone, almost immediately regretting the fact that I had answered.

Ever since the casual proposal, my mother had us all running around like slaves making this event the event of all ‘our dreams’. Her words not ours. This wedding had become our lives. However there’s pros and cons to every situation.  The pro in this situation being the simple fact that it had given us all a chance to bond, but that was about it.

 “I’m sorry mama! How can I help you ma’am?” I said as I gently stroked the picture frame that was on the table top in the hallway. It was a picture of Jules with mom, dad, younger sister and brother. Like us he had a close knit family – well whatever that meant.

“It’s 5:50pm and dinners at 7:00pm. You need to be making your way home, young lady.”  My mom stated with my dad agreeing in the back.

“Tell Mr Carlos to sssh! I’ll be home within the next hour, I’m just watching a few movies spending a little time with Jules then I’ll be right round!” I spoke and laughed when I heard my dad groan and mentioned something faintly in the back. ‘At least she’s not spending time with Wesley’ I agreed with that. “Oh that reminds me? Mom can Jules come to dinner?”

“You’ve been at the boys house all day Roy. How about coming and spending time in your own house, with your family? Jules can come round any other day…just not today”

I sighed accepting it before coming off of the phone. I walked back into the room and glanced at the screen. It was at one of my favourite parts of the movie.  It was the scene where Queen Elsa began to build her home with her bare hands, within seconds. Just like that!  Before transforming into some kind of Goddess. And all she had to do was remove her hair clip. Beat for days! JUST LIKE THAT. At that point in time I believed that no one, not even Queen Yoncéhad anything on her, she was just amazing. Yes I had recognised that she was just an animation.

 I took a quick glance at my phone, noticing it had just gone 6pm. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was now 6pm and it was time for Jules to take the extra strong pain killers that he was given by the hospital. I rubbed cream on to the scar that was left as a side effect after the massacre that occurred at the fight. He glanced at himself through the selfie camera on my iPad.

 “Still cute or nah?” He questioned with a smirk on his face.

“Nah...” I smirked as I flicked his chin and packed my bags. “Of course you’re cute boo! Now I’ve got to go! So you should be seeing me within the week! I’ve got school tomorrow so maybe Wednesday, I’ll leave early just for you!” I winked and he smiled.

“But who said I’ll leave work for you?!” Jules was in early 20s doing an apprenticeship in Real Estate. I glared at him; we both knew he would leave for me! We chuckled as he walked me to the door.

We stood there starring at each other in an awkward silence.

“Give me a call when you get in alright?” He waved me off and I began my journey home.  



Okay, so this is just a filler , just trying to get back into the hang of writing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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