Chapter 4

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Russia POV

The truck came to a stop after a 30 minute drive, or something like that. Russia had listened to these two talk, and he learned their names in the process. The girl was named Philippines, and the boy was America.

Not like Russia gave a fuck about who they were. The first chance he got, he would ditch them and be off on his own again. He didn't need this shit.

The car stopped and the same men who shoved them in the back pulled them back out into the open. Russia looked up at a tall building. It almost looked futuristic with glass walls and metal highlights.

The guards grabbed Russia and the other two by the arms and started to push them inside. Russia let them, if he didn't argue, he would get out of this faster. But he was angry, fury bubbled through his veins and he fought to control himself.

Finally they were left alone in a small cement room with no windows and one light in the center of the room. They heard the door lock behind the guards as they left.

" This is fine," said America, looking around," If they were gonna kill us they would have done it by now. We just gotta wait."

" I hate to give up so soon," said Philippines," But we don't got much of a choice."

She sat down, her back against the wall and her arms crossed across her chest," We can wait."

" I hope the other are okay," said America.

" Others," said Russia, confused.

" Yeah," said America," Our team, it's not just me and Philippines out here. To survive, you have to have a team and friends."

" What about you," said Philippines," Where's your team at?"

" I'm alone," snapped Russia, not in the mood to talk.

" But how," said America," People who are alone out there die, how are you alive?"

" Your all stupid, don't you know," spat Russia, glaring at them over his shoulder," Die together, live alone."

And Russia sat down with his back to them. Pleased that they were so confused by his words.

They were idiots.

They all were.

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