Chapter 24

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America POV

" It's okay it's okay," said Germany hurriedly, before America could start to panic," He's just asleep."

Germany threw the syringe aside, the drug emptied.

" If he had been awake," said Germany," This would have hurt."

" What are you gonna do," asked America, his voice shaky.

" Well," said Germany," I have to put his bone back in place."

He pulled out the equipment he had for stitches and then he pulled out a scalpel knife, like the ones you see doctors use in the TV shows.

" Hasn't he lost to much blood already," said America," Won't this kill him?"

" Maybe," said Germany," But he's dead if I don't do this."

America forced himself to nod.

" America," said Germany," I need you to go and find me two sturdy branches about the length of Russia's arm, the rest of you go make camp, Poland, please come help me."

America set Russia down gently. What was scary was his silence. Normally someone in pain would cry out, or groan, or they would whimper. But Russia made no sound. And that was terrifying.

America ran off.

Trying to ignore the silence.


The group had made about five tents. One for Vietnam and Philippines, one for SV and North, one for Germany and Poland, and America and Russia would get the last one. No one was particularly happy with helping Russia except America and Germany, who just wanted to help.

America looked at Russia now, unable to sleep. Russia had bandages wrapped around his chest and head. Then he had a splint on his left arm, which had been stitched up and heavily wrapped in bandages.

Not only was his arm mangled and his chest scratched bad, but his hip was badly bruised. Germany said he would have a bad limp for life, if he lived that is.

America felt like crying, but he was out of tears. All that was left now was a hollow feeling. He held Russia's hand and squeezed.

" Don't you die on me pretty boy," he said, his voice wavering," Who else will I annoy?"

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