Chapter 3

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Russia POV

The boy lunged at Russia, his blades swinging in a coordinated attack. But Russia was ready. He blocked the first blade with his bat and ducked away from the second blow.

" Huh not bad," said the boy," Hey Pip, I think this pretty boy can walk his talk!"

Something wrapped around Russia's leg and pulled him from behind. He fell forward with a yell, his chin hitting the hard floor. His bat fell from his hand and slid across the floor.

" I'm not so sure about that," said the girl, standing next to the boy.

Russia realized she was holding a whip of some kind, like the ones you see cowboys use in movies. She also had a pistol in the other hand, but a small blade was attached to the end of it.

" What are we gonna do with him now smart guy," snapped the girl.

" Relax," said the boy," We just gonna tie him up, grab the resources, and be on our way. He'd be a nice snack for the monsters."

Russia's anger was a raging fire now, he kicked out against the whip and the girl fell forward. With that he grabbed her ankle and pulled it towards him, making her fall backwards.

She kicked out, nailing him in the face with her foot. His eyes went white for a brief moment and he felt blood start to drip from his nose.

He stood and grabbed his bat, ready for another attack. But none came. The boy was helping her back onto her feet, like oki g at Russia over his shoulder.

" I'm taking my own resources and leaving," said Russia, gripping the bat," End of discussion."

The boy raised his hands in surrender," Okay okay, you win."

Russia glared at them and started to move towards the door.


A sharp command came from outside, and grown men wearing masks and bulletproof vest ran in, aiming guns at Russia and the other two teens.

Russia would have fought back but someone was dragging him out of the store and into a truck. They shoved him and the other two in the back of it, locking the car doors.

" Great," said Russia," Just great."

Coming to this town was a bad idea.

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