Chapter 29

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Russia POV

" Okay," said Germany," I'll read it."

He grabbed the piece of palate and the others gathered around him.

" My dearest test subjects," read Germany," You have completed my test, and claimed your prize, freedom. But, there is one thing I have forgotten to mention, my bad. You did leave in hurry. There is a switch. A Kill Switch. I, as I'm sure you know, created the monsters that have plagued this world, but I didn't do it blindly. There is a switch hidden in my lad that will instantly kill all monsters, as soon as it's pressed, every monster dies. But, you found your Safe Haven, it's not like you'd ever come back, that's stupid. Enjoy your peace, your paradise. While people kill and eat each other, while people starve, while monsters kill and eat them. Enjoy your safety."

Germany looked up at them. Everyone was dead quiet. North punched the gate wall, SV and Vietnam held each other hand while Vietnam held Pip close with the other arm. Russia didn't even realize he and America were holding hands to. Germany and Poland leaned on each other.

" What do we do now," asked Germany, looking at America.

Everyone looked at him, Russia glanced at him.

" What else can we do," said Pip.

" We have to go back," said America, quietly," We can save them all."

America looked sad, everyone did, and it was easy to understand why. They had made it, it now they couldn't stay. Russia squeezed America's hand and stood taller.

" I'm in," he said," I'll follow you anywhere."

America beamed at him. They other cheered their agreement, earning their own grateful looks from America.

" So," said Pip," What now oh wise leader?"

" We rest," said America.

" Then what," asked Russia, unable to suppress a smile."

" Well, then," said America, grinning We ride at dawn bitches."




Yes, this is the end of book one. I will be writing book two very very soon. Here's what it'll be called so you can keep an eye out.


Make sure to look out for it!

And as always...

Thanks for reading!

- RusAme767

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