Chapter 23

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America POV

Screaming tore through the air, making everyone jump. Pip pulled out her pistol and swept it around, panicked.

" Someone needs help," said Poland.

But America was already off. Whoever it was, they were definitely trying to get the group's attention. America stopped when he saw the bloody clearing.

" U-Um guys," he called," You gotta see this."

The group looked at the clearing. It looked like it had been painted all over with blood. It dripped from the trees, splattered the ferns, and stained the grass. Then America saw the cause of this all. He heard a wail, he wondered who it came from, then he realized his mouth was open.

" America," yelped Pip," What's wrong?"

" RUSSIA," cried America.

He broke from the tree line and ran to Russia.

" America wait," cried Vietnam," The monsters could still be around!"

America didn't care. He didn't do enough to help Russia, he should have noticed how bad this was, and now he was probably dead. I can't lose him and South, I just can't. America knelt down and gently picked Russia up, setting him in his lap.

" Russia," America whispered as if Russia would die if he talked louder," Russia please say something..."

Russia didn't move. America felt tears coming. How could he not try and help Russia sooner, that's all he had needed. Russia had just needed help.

" that you?"

America looked down and saw that Russia's eyes were open, unfocused, but open. He was breathing, he was alive.

" Yes! Yes Russia I'm here," said America," GUYS! HE'S ALIVE, GERMANY!"

Germany was there in an instant. He was pulling out his jacket to try and stop Russia's bleeding. America handed Germany his jacket to, by he didn't dare move. Russia was on deaths door, the slightest movement now could send him over the edge.

" America," said Russia, sounding desperate and weak.

" Don't talk," said America, gently," Germany's gonna help you."

" America, please listen," begged Russia.

America nodded," What is it?"

" I-," Russia choked, coughing up blood," I forgive you."

America smiled, understanding," I forgive you to."

Then Russia closed his eyes.

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