Chapter 19

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With a sigh I got in the car "don't worry baby in here" Karma grabbed my hand and pulled me into the car next to him "ok buckle up you 2" I grabbed my seatbelt and it on "baby shouldn't you tell your brother" I gasped and pulled my phone out.

Me amd Karma have to go on a mission

Just as I was about to put my phone back I got a notification that I got a text so I unlocked my phone and went to it.

Did he mark you because other wise you are not allowed outside of the house while in heat because you can be jumped or even worse

I smiled at the text till I heard chuckling coming from beside me "your brother is such a big worried wort" I laughed he is

Yes he marked me other wise he wouldn't let me out if the house and don't worry nii-chan I have my mate by my side

"We're here"

We pulled up to a nice looking looked house and at first I thought we had the wrong place "only you and the others that are inside can this" I looked over Karasuma and he had a light smile "me and Irina are actually mates". Both me and Karma glanced at each "we figured" I got out leaving Karasuma and Karma but Karma got out right behind me "he's frozen in place" I giggled as he grabbed my hand and we made our way to the front door.

As I was about to knock the door flew up "where have guys been" I smiled "your mate is frozen in place because we told him that we figured you 2 were mates".

She sighed "Nagisa your dress it picked out along with your shoes" then went to the car. I let out a long and hard sigh "why did I let you rope me into this" he chuckled as we made our way in.

After I got dressed I stood in front of the mirror staring at myself till Kayano and Ritsu came in holding what looked a case "were here to do your hair" I backed up "no you are not" Kayano said she was sorry but bully the looks of her expression she wasnt sorry.

After a good long chase and me being tied to a chair they were able to do my hair

After a good long chase and me being tied to a chair they were able to do my hair

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