Chapter 26

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~~Shiota's POV~~

It's been a few weeks since then and I have been doing but sleeping and eating a lot along with feeling sick recently, I don't know why but I'm just shrugging it off


I shot up out of bed and flung myself out of the bed and ran out of the room towards the bathroom and dropping to my knees in front of the toilet to throw up

"Nagi are you ok"

I looked at the door to see a worried Tetsuya looking down at me "ye-yea-" I was interpreted by the need to throw up more and I heard his foot steps come closer to me and he knelt down next to me and started to rub my back

"no your not fine, all you've been doing is sleeping and now your throwing up"

I glanced up at him before throwing up more "as soon as your done your going to brush your teeth and we're going to wake Karma up and we are taking you to the hospital" I wanted to protest but started to throw up again so I just nodded my head

-I hope it's nothing to serious-

~~time skip~~

As we pulled up to the clinic my hands started to sweat as I rubbed my upset stomach "Karma you go in with him while me and Seji park the cart" I unbuckled my seatbelt and looked at him "we'll be in shortly" I looked at Tetsuya and nodded before getting out.

Karma came around the car and grabbed my hand to lace our fingers together before walking up the steps and into quite clinic that smelt like caramel apple with a hint of cinnamon "welcome to the omega clinic" I looked at the front desk to see a lady with black hair who was holding a pig

With a smile we walked up to the her "my name is Shizune how can I help you 2 today" I felt the palms of my hands sweating again "I-uh I've been sick recently and my older brother thought it would be good that I get checked" she smiled and nodded

"I yes, are you a new patient"

I nodded and watched as she grabbed some papers and a clipboard "Ok for new patient's we have them fill these papers out so we can have information on them" she held the clipboard out for me and I took it and led Karma to some chairs.

~~3rd POV~~

Once Shiota sat down and started to fill the papers out that was given to him Tetsuya walked in holding hands with Sejiro who was standing tall and proud

"come on I need to give these papers to the front desk before he turns the papers in"

The alpha slump his shoulders and nodded at his mate as they walked up to the front desk

"my name Shizune how can I help you" the older omega put a folder on the counter and looked at her

"My name is Tetsuya and that blue hair omega over there is my little brother"

Shizune looked at him and saw him talking to the redhead alpha next to him "ok what can I do for you" Tetsuya opened up the folder and grabbed some papers and handed them to her

"due to recent events I am his legal guardian as well as my mate and we don't want our parents to know anything about him, me or out little sister"

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