A Papaya

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A golden, juicy Papaya sat high up in a tree. A certain water bender had been eyeing it for quite some time. Katara had been reading through her water bending scrolls, but as she glazed through the motions, she started to get hungry, she searched her pockets for any food that might be there. Nothing. She looked up and then a large papaya caught her eye. It was rather funny, she didn't really like papayas at all not too long ago, but now she really liked them. She couldn't quite explain how or why, but now she found she craved them more and more often. It wasn't a bad thing she supposed, it was quite a healthy fruit after all. So she rolled her scrolls up and put them into her sack as she began to climb up the papaya tree. as she neared the top, she looked up to see the papaya swaying in the wind. She reached out to pluck it off its stem until suddenly, a sharp gust of wind blew by causing the papaya to fall down past the branches and into the hands of an Airbender standing below.

"I thought you didn't Like papayas?" Aang called from down below

"Give it back Aang." Katara said while trying not to smile.

"Why? Wouldn't you rather have an apple or something?" Aang said while he slid the papaya behind his back.

"Well maybe I would have a few months ago, but now I really like papayas. Anyways... now give me my papaya back!"

"Your papaya? Who said this was your papaya? I don't seem to recall you ever holding
it..." Aang smiled mischievously.

"Oh c'mon Aang I was just about to grab it until you blew it off the tree!"

"Me? Blow it off the tree? That was just a breeze coming by."

"Oh uh huh. And you didn't airbend it off." Katara asked a little annoyed now.

"Um no of course not! Why would I do that?!" Aang said innocently.

"To annoy me."

"Good point." Aang smiled.

"Well, tell you what, I'll let you have the papaya. But only if you can catch me." Aang's smile widened even further.

"Catch you? Aang, are you even listening to yourself?! You're an airbender, I'm not."


"So you can run ridiculously fast."

"Well how about I don't use airbending?"

"Really? Now this I gotta see." Katara leaned off the tree and gathered water from a nearby stream. She quickly froze it, creating an ice slide and spiraled down the tree toward Aang.
Aang took of running. Even without his airbending assistance, he was still ridiculously fast Katara thought. She bent water into an oval and froze it over, and quickly proceeded to  propel herself down the stream toward Aang and the papaya. Aang saw this, and quickly Mimicked Katara crates his own ice surf board.

"Hey, no fair!" Katara called.

"Hey you just said no airbending, nothing about waterbending!" Aang propelled himself further down the stream.

Katara caught up to him and engulfed Aang in a large wave.

"Haha gotcha now!" Katara said as she collapsed the Wave around Aang.

"Not today!"Aang said as he shot up before the wave came down on him. He shot forward but he was running out of stream. "Out of stream huh?" Katara said from behind him.

"Not necessarily..." Aang said as he created a ramp out of water sending him flying over and skidding down a hill beyond the stream. Katara followed him down the hill and they began picking up speed, the started plummeting down the hill at dangerous speeds, but as they came down the hill Katara noticed her board melting away. Aang? Katara called out nervously. Aang noticed this too, and quickly formed a board out of earth and angled himself towards Katara. Katara jumped on his board as they wen through a flat area of the hill. "Okay, I think we're good... wait no, hold on!!!  Aang yelled. After the passed the flat area, they came upon a steeper part leading towards a cliff. They rocketed off the cliff and plummeted towards the lake below. "Quick, form a water spiral to break our fall!" Katara told Aang as she began bending water to break their fall. Right! Aang said as he began frantically bending water as well. The water spirals caught their fall, but they still went considerably fall under the water when the emerged from the depths of the lake they just looked at each other and laughed. "So what else do you want to do besides risking our lives?" Katara asked Aang. "Well I still got that papaya if you still want it." Aang said pulling out the papaya. Katara couldn't help but smile. (And be a little surprised too) "Aang, how on earth do you still have that? We just fell off a cliff!" Katara said out of breath. "To be honest... I don't know." Aang said scratching his head. Katara laughed. Well what do you say we swim to shore and have some papaya? Katara said. That'd be great! Aang said as they swam towards the shore to enjoy some well earned papaya slices.

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