After the war

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Takes place a few days after the war. (Very end of the finale episode.)

Aang's POV

Aang still couldn't believe it. The 100-year war that had ravaged the world was finally over. All the adventures he had with his best friends in the past year had led up to his inevitable final battle with Ozai. And now, it was finally over. No more fighting, no more violence, no more fear, no more suffering, and no more destruction. Aang's life on the run from the Fire Nation was over. He had won. His struggle for balance was no more. It felt like the weight of the world had just disappeared, and ceased to exist. If Aang was being honest to himself, he kinda missed it. When he said it out loud to himself it sounded crazy and awful, and it made him wonder what he was thinking, missing his life on the run with nearly everything fighting against him. But the past year had been the best of his life. He had developed such wonderful Friendships in such a short amount of time. Sure, he had friends from a hundred years ago like Kuzon, Bumi (Now King Bumi, and since Bumi was still alive, he just had one friend from a hundred years ago.) Well, except for the Air Nomads, His people. Even though he missed his friends and life back then greatly, it just felt like he belonged here, an entire 100 years later from the time he was born. It sounded bizarre, but he wouldn't have had it any other way. When he first started his journey, he was saddened by all that had happened when he left and he wanted nothing more than to go back in time and not run away. But now he was glad he did. He would never have been able to experience everything he got to in the past year. All the trips, adventures, emotions, sights, places he had seen, been to, and felt inside of him were just short of indescribable. And most importantly, if he didn't run away, he would never have gotten to meet Katara. Oh, Katara. He could go for centuries describing why he cared for her so. When he had first met her, he wasn't sure what the new feeling he had for her was. It was a part of his life that he didn't even know existed until he met Katara. Yes, he had cared about his friends and Monk Gyatso, but that was a different kind of caring. His feelings for Katara was so much more than that. It went deeper. She completed his puzzle. Without her, he would always be missing that one piece of his life, and without it, he didn't think he could move on. She was his Yin to his Yang, The Moon to his Sun, and the Sea to his Sky. Without her, he didn't know what he would do. He thought back to when Guru Pathik told him to let her go. He just couldn't. He loved her. That was the first time he had ever said those words out loud, or even to himself. Letting her go was the hardest thing he had ever done. Even harder than fighting Ozai. He just couldn't bring himself to do it. But when he realized if he didn't go into the Avatar state that Katara might die, he had to do it. Well, technically he did it for Katara. He smiled to himself. He had found a loophole that day. Even though he had "let go of her", he hadn't truly. Sure, he had detached himself from her for a few moments when he went into the Avatar State, but that was all to protect her. He could never fully let go of her. He wouldn't. Aang thought about all the two of them had been through together. She was the reason he had been able to win the war. Without her, he would have been helpless. He loved her, but he was scared she didn't love him back. That was until, yesterday, on Iroh's Balcony.

Katara's POV

Katara couldn't sleep. The war was over, and the world was at peace, yet the young water bender still tossed and turned, desperately trying to get some sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about Aang. What if he didn't like her? What if it's just a game to him? Did he really mean what he said that one night in his sleep? Questions flew around her brain, making it really hard for her to get much sleep that night. The next morning Katara couldn't stop thinking about if Aang meant what he said in his sleep that one day a few months ago. She had thought that he loved her but maybe it was just himself being caring and not like loving, loving her. No, she was sure he was sincere in what he said even if he was sleeping. But that was months ago. What if his feelings have gone away? No, she refused to think like that. She was going to talk to Aang about this. So she decided that she was going to tell Aang how she felt.

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