A Chance

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Takes place after The Ember Island Players (B3, C17).

Aang's POV

"I'm just confused," Katara said as she pulled on her hair lightly.

Aang believed that it was his one big chance to show her that he wasn't confused and she didn't have to be either. Maybe he should try again. You never know until you try, right? 

Aang quickly moved in while her eyes were closed and she was distracted. He went up and gave her a quick peck on her lips, Surprising the young waterbender. 

"I just said I was confused!" "I'm going inside," Katara said as she left him and stormed off into the building.

"Ugh, I'm such an idiot!" Aang said to himself angrily while he pounded on his blue arrow.

He shouldn't have done that. He knew it. It was just too much to ask of her and not the right time. They had a war going on, and he shouldn't be trying to make any moves on her especially with the state the world and their friendship were in. He was, however, saddened by her sudden outburst of anger and uninterest towards him. Maybe they weren't going to be together and he might just have to accept that. He kept thinking about this as he walked off towards Zuko's beach house, and then into the room he was staying at. He just sat there, at the foot of the bed pondering about what he should do.

Katara's POV

Katara walked into the building. She was crushed. Aang had tried to kiss once again, and she wanted nothing more than to feels his lips against hers once more... but she wouldn't. She couldn't. There was the war and she refused to let her feelings put the fate of the world in jeopardy. She wanted to tell Aang so badly how she felt, but she knew that she should not do that. He had too many other, more important things that he had to do. He had to fight the fire lord, end the war, save the world, just like she always knew he would end up having to do. For the good of the world, she would make her sacrifice. Not only did she think it would be better fo Aang to focus on his duties rather than her But she was also scared as well. she was scared that she might not be able to ever see that charming smile of his ever again, and his boyish demeanor, his upbeat attitude, his caring side, there was just so many things she was scared of losing. She was scared of losing Aang. What if he lost? What if he couldn't kill the fire lord? She wanted so desperately to tell him how she made her feel. Katara wanted to tell him so badly that she really did care about him. Not being able to tell him her feelings made her heart ache. She couldn't keep her feeling bundled up inside her any longer she was going to go tell him. But when she got to the door, she could already feel the presence of a certain airbender in front of it.

Aang's POV

I couldn't take it anymore. Now I knew that Katara didn't care about me, I was crushed. Granted, she did say she was confused, but all that meant to me was that she didn't think of me enough to say it of a surety that she did love me. Maybe she did, but if she truly did, she would have told me her feelings, right? How could she like me? I'm not even that attractive. At least I don't think I am. Well then, again I wouldn't know. The monks never taught us about looks or any of that kind of stuff. We just kinda ignored it altogether. Anyways, I'm just a short,  bald(usually), vegetarian monk. Compared to the other guys in the world, I don't even have a chance. I might be the avatar, but that didn't change my appearance. Or my personality. Maybe she didn't like my personality? Maybe that was it. Plus, she never really seemed to like me she acted like I was a little kid and she was like the mom of our group. Not the most romantic pairing. Maybe the reason she treated me like a little kid sometimes was because I am just too weak. I need to man up. For the sake of the group. It'll be better for us all. And I'm going to start by apologizing to Katara for what I said, push my feelings aside, and move onward. No matter how hard it will be.

And with that, Aang left to go to Katara's room, trying to cover up the fact that he was crying.

Katara's POV

I knew it was Aang without even opening the door. 

"Aang?" I asked

"Hey, Katara I'm really sorry that I disrespected your position and I can be okay with being a brother to you..." Aang said, until Katara put her hands on his shoulders. 

"Aang it's okay, you don't need to apologize I'm not mad at you."

"But I..."

"Aang it's fine. We are all very tired and we just need to get some rest" Katara said cooly.

"I wanted to apologize!, why can't I?" Aang said as anger began to rise in his chest ever so slightly.

"Because I don't want you to!" Katara blurted out.

"What, why? why won't you accept my apology?" Aang said looking rather hurt and upset.

"Because well, it's complicated. I, um, I'm just going to get some sleep okay? You should too." Katara said as she slid her doors shut in Aang's face.

Katara wanted so badly to tell him that the reason she didn't want him to apologize was because she didn't want him to revoke his feelings for her, or regret either of their kisses. So, she decided that she would give him a spark, a spark of hope for him that she hoped would keep him going and maybe, just maybe be able to ignite one day.

Aang's POV

I didn't understand why Katara was being so difficult. I just wanted to apologize. I thought about this as I walked back toward my room. Then I heard a door open and I turned around and watched Katara walk out of her room. I just stared at her.

"Oh, and Aang?"

"Yes?" I said glumly.

"I don't think of you as a brother." Katara said simply.

Aang tried to hide the pure joy in his eyes and excitement.

"Oh okay... uh good to know." He said calmly while trying to suppress a ridiculous grin from forming on his face.

"Alright, well goodnight, Aang." Katara said as she walked back to her room and closed the doors once more.

Katara's POV

Katara smiled to herself. She knew her little plan had worked. She could tell by the immediate look on his face and the dilation of his eyes that he was overjoyed. The beginnings of a spark had been placed indeed. She could now sleep easier knowing she had more or less resolved their dispute. The young waterbender laid on her pad and quickly drifted off into a deep sleep.

Aang's POV

When Katara closed her doors, Aang did the wackiest "happy dance" the world had ever seen. It was not very different from the one he did at Aunt Wu's not too long ago. (when he found out Katara would one day be married to a strong bender). He so desperately hoped that the bender in question was him. Aang heard someone groan on his side of the hallway. He looked toward where the sound was coming from. It was Toph's room. Huh. he thought he was light enough on his feet to not be heard. But then again, Toph probably had the best hearing out of the Gaang, with her being blind and all. He could hear her getting up to open the door. The airbender decided to make haste and blast himself into his room as quietly as he could. He didn't know why he wanted to get away so badly. What was so bad with confronting a tired Toph who just got out of bed? Oh. He quickly realized that that would definitely not be fun. He thanked his reflexes and conscience for his quick thinking. He just laid there on his pad, smiling as he fell asleep, knowing that maybe, just maybe he had a chance.

Alright, Sorry for the late update guys, it took longer than expected because I was working on this as well as several other drafts. Updates will be much quicker now thanks to that! Thank you guys for reading, I really appreciate it. 

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