Barbecues and Sleepovers

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It was around 5 in the morning when Y/N woke up.  She started her day by cleaning up her futon and got her things before heading to the bathrooms to wash up.  Y/N opened the door and revealed Kuroo, who was about to knock on the door.

"Hey Kuroo san, what are you doing here?" Y/N asked as she walked out the room to close the door.

"Oh I came here to wake you up, I wanted to talk to you about something after we wash up." Kuroo replied.

"Well we can go together now, and after we finish our stuff we can talk." Y/N said as she smiled and took a hold of Kuroo's hand.

"Okay then," Kuroo said as he rubbed his thumb on Y/N's smaller hands, "you look nice in those pajamas."

"Oh thank you look nice in your pajamas as well." Y/N replied with a blush, "The red shorts and black hoodie suits you well."

"Thanks Chibi chan, I'll see you later then." Kuroo said, he then placed a small kiss on to Y/N's forehead before leaving for his own routine.

"Okay well all I need to do is change and do my skin routine, and then he and I can talk about long distance." Y/N thought.  She did what she set out to do in the bathroom and she came out wearing a pair of track shorts and a nice A/C shirt.  Y/N walked out the bathroom and saw Kuroo waiting, outside the room near the door.  He was wearing the same red shorts, but he changed his hoodie into a black t-shirt.

"Hey Chibi chan are you done yet?" Kuroo asked.

"Yeah I am, do you want to talk while we walk to the gym." Y/N asked back, "You have warm ups earlier today, so we can talk on the way."

"If that works for you as well then let's do that." Kuroo exclaimed as he walked along with Y/N, "Alright then, well do you want to start first or what." 

"Can I go first then, it's sort of an important matter." Y/N said hesitantly.

"Sure go on." Kuroo replied.

"Are you up for long distancing with me?" Y/N asked quickly, "It's okay if you don't want to, but I was hoping..."

"Yeah I course I'm down for that, I was going to ask you that actually," Kuroo answered, "but we will either meet half way at some city or I'll come over to see you."

"Wait how come I can't come to Tokyo." Y/N asked.

"Kenma san told me that you live alone and that you had a job," Kuroo replied, "you'll need most of the money for your own purposes, so I'll come and visit instead."

"How did Kenma san find out, I don't think I told him yet." Y/N wondered.

"Well he told me that you were busy with things, and he heard from Lev san that you live alone," Kuroo started, "so he assumed that you work a job or something."

"Oh well if I work harder i can afford some bus tickets to get where you live." Y/N said.

"Nope sorry Chibi chan, not on my watch and I want to check out Miyagi sometime so let me do this for you alright." Kuroo said as he bent down to caress Y/N's face.

"I guess that works, but I don't want you to spend too much money on me alright." Y/N said cupping his face as well.

"It's fine my family is doing well and I can afford tickets every other week or so." Kuroo said.

"Well I guess we're visiting each other every other week then." Y/N confirmed.

"That's perfect Chibi chan, I have to get to volleyball now," Kuroo said with a smile, "but before I go can I get a kiss."

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