Truth or Dare

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 Y/N walked into the room and saw the girls, except for Eri and Yachi. "Hey guys I'm back, I'm so sorry I couldn't help you with the work," Y/N said as she closed the door, "do you know where Eri chan and Yachi chan is."

"Hey Y/N san," Everyone said.

"Eri chan and Yachi chan are out buying drinks still," Kiyoko said, "it's fine that you didn't help by the way."

"There wasn't much to do anyways." Kaori added, "you can repay us by telling us where you were though."

"Oh you know I was just out nothing much." Y/N replied.

"We knew that you were out, but the real question is with who." Yukie commented.

"Come on Y/N chan, tell us." Mako added.

"Nope, I'm telling you I just went out that's it," Y/N answered, "there was no one else with me."

"Oh come on Y/N chan, there's no point to lying to us," Kiyoko started, "we'll find out anyways."

"F-fine I was out with Kuroo san." Y/N admitted.

"You guys were out on a date right?!" Yukie asked excitedly.

"Yeah." Y/N whispered.

"Hey say that again but louder Y/N chan, we couldn't hear you." Mako commented.

"Yeah I was out on a date with him." Y/n said louder this time. All the girls tackled her on to the ground and hugged her, or tried to anyways.

"Congrats Y/N you got yourself a boyfriend now!" Mako exclaimed. The girls sat back down again to talk about the date.

"So what did you guys do?" Kiyoko asked.

"Oh you know, we went places." Y/N answered.

"Y/N chan be more specific." Mako pouted.

"Fine we went to Mitsuwa for dinner then a park then we went to the beach." Y/n added.

The door swung open revealing Eri and Yachi with two bags filled with drinks. "Hey guys, we're back." Eri exclaimed.

"Hey guys," Yachi added, "oh and Y/n san thanks for the money here's your purse."

"Thanks Yachi chan." Y/N said (Y/N actually left her purse in the room and used the money in the back of her phone for the date).

"Here I'll hand out the drink," Eri stated, "Okay so here's one for Kaori, a Honey Dew Slushie for Yukie, a / an F/D for Y/N san, an iced green tea for Kiyoko san, and a jasmine sea cream tea for Mako san."

"Here's your drink Eri chan," Yachi said handing Eri her drink from another bag.

"So what were you guys talking about," Eri asked taking a sip from her drink.

"Y/N chan has a boyfriend now." Yukie semi shouted.

"Wait what!" Eri and Yachi exclaimed, "really?!"

"Yeah and she went on a date today with Kuroo san." Kaori added.

"I knew it, no wonder she was gone for a long time." Yachi exclaimed.

"Wait guys calm down it was just a small date, it's not all that special." Y/N commented as she took off her hoodie and only wore her sports bra, since it was hot.

(Don't worry curvy girls, you are wearing high waisted shorts if you want so it covers up that part that you don't like, cause same for me)

"Nope it's special because this was your first date, and we shipped you with Kuroo san." Kiyoko said, "And we were right all along."

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