A Chat With Kenma

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(Same day in the timeline)

Once the girls made it to the break area, the boys surrounded the manager waiting for the watermelons.  After a while, most of the trays were completely gone and were set out on the tables.  

"Y/N san are you done with your job yet?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah I am, did you need anything or." Y/N started.

"Kenma san and Lev san wants to talk to you." Hinata interrupted.

"Oh okay, where are they I'd like to talk right now if that's fine." Y/N replied.

"They wanted to talk to you right now so I'll bring you to them." Hinata said as he took Y/N's wrist.  The two walked up a hill and sat down near Kenma and Lev.  Kenma was busy playing his games on his phone and Lev was busy eating a watermelon.  

"Oh you're here, that was fast." Kenma said softly as he looked up from his phone.

"Yeah I found her immediately, she was near the tables." Hinata bragged.

"So what are you going to talk about with Y/N chan." Lev asked.

"I'm going to talk about stuff Lev san, now let me talk to her,"  Kenma replied, "anyways hey Y/N chan."

"Hey Kenma san, hey Lev san."  Y/N replied.

"Do you want me and Lev san to leave." Hinata asked Kenma.

"No I want you guys to stay," Kenma replied as he played his games.

"Wait Kenma san, you're Kuroo san best friend right." Y/N asked.

"Yeah how did you know." Kenma said looking up from his phone, for once.

"Well I saw you this morning and since you were the only one recording I assumed that you were a close friend of his." Y/N replied, "Oh and what did you want to ask me.

"Time to quiz her one Kuroo san." Kenma thought with a straight face.

"I just wanted to know, how much do you care about Kuroo san?" Kenma asked.

"Well even though we just started dating a day ago, I really care about him and especially his happiness." Y/N answered with a smile, "I want to continue caring for him and liking him for a long time."

Even though Kenma was shocked by the answer, he kept a straight face and asked, "Are you okay with me tagging along on dates."

"Well if it makes him happy then of course, but if it were up to me I'd still bring you along because you might get lonely and the more the merrier right."  Y/N replied after thinking about the question for a second.

"Okay well that's all I wanted to ask." Kenma said.

"Alright then," Y/N said as she moved behind Kenma, "wait are you playing animal crossing."

"Yeah I know that it's childish and everything, but I think it's pretty fun."  Kenma replied.

"Well no I don't think it's childish, I think that it's pretty cool."  Y/N said.

"Do you play animal crossing as well?" Kenma asked.

"No I don't but I heard that it was pretty fun to play." Y/N replied.

"It's pretty fun, I play with Hinata san and Kenma san from time to time." Lev commented.

"Yeah and sometimes it gets kinda chaotic."  Hinata added.

"So Y/N chan what are your hobbies?" Kenma asked putting his phone away and investing his time into the conversation.

"Well I like to watch anime, listen to music, (hobby #1), and (hobby #2)." Y/N replied.

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