How it All Started Pt. 3

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*Time skip to the beginning of the year*

(Third person P.O.V)

After the three on three game Kageyama, Hinata, and Tanaka won.  Kiyoko walked in with a box and set it down on the gym's stage.  

"Kageyama, look a pretty girl just walked in with a box." Hinata said.

Kageyama said back to Hinata with a blush, "Boke Hinata boke."

"Everyone, meet Kiyoko san one of our managers," Daichi said, "please treat her well."

Kiyoko exclaimed, "Hey everyone."

"Hey Kiyoko." everyone said back.

"Here are the jackets by the way," Kiyoko said while handing out the jackets to all four of the first years.

"Woah these are nice," Hinata said

"I know right." Kageyama said agreeing with Hinata

"I'll try it on at home, I don't feel like wearing stuff right now."  Tsukkishima said while looking at the jacket.

Sugawara then replied to  Tsukkishima saying, "Oh come on, wear it why put it on at home when you could wear it now right.

Tsukkishima then wears the jacket.

"Tsukki, you look really nice." Yamaguchi says.

"I know I do,"Tsukki says while smiling and pushing his glasses up.

"Wait Daichi san, didn't you say that Kiyoko was only one of our managers," Yamaguchi started, "how many managers do we actually have."

"We actually have two managers, but our other manager is busy with moving and other things at the moment.  You'll get to see her some time around next week or so, but it's up to her really," Daichi  said, "she's actually..."

Tanaka interrupted Daichi and said, "She's actually the meanest person you'll ever meet and she's older than me as well.  She's so scary and strong that she could kill you if she wanted to."

All the first years, except of Tsukkishima looked so scared and freaked out.  "Um Tanaka that's..." Daichi started.

Sugawara stopped Daichi and whispered to him, "Shh, stop stop I actually want to see what happens."

"Oh ok," Daichi said while laughing a bit.

Everyone was either changing or they had already left except for the first years, who were still in the gym.  Yamaguchi was cleaning up a bit when some one spoke.  "Oi, Kageyama Hinata wanna do something together." Tsukkishima said trying to make a straight face.

"Why should do something with you Tsukki." Kageyama spat.

"Yeah why should we." said Hinata while crossing his arms and trying to look scary.

Tsukkishima replied to them by saying, "First of all don't call me Tsukki, only Yamaguchi could call me that.  Second of all wouldn't it be cool to piss off the other manager, we could blame it on another person and get away with it."

"Oh yeah that's really smart, you have great ideas Tsukkishima san."  Hinata says while looking very excited.

"God, why are they so dumb and easy to control." Tsukki thought in his head, "I'm gonna lose so many brain cells this year."

"Let's do that then, I suggest we dump paint on her at that door over there." Kageyama said while pointing at a door.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you guys can plan it and everything," Tsukkishima said.

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