A Kiss from Kuroo

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*Third Person POV btw*

(Just a small warning, Y/n is gonna be real annoying this chapter so stay cautious)

Most of the team members from the Nekoma team were done getting ready, even Yaku and Lev. Kuroo and Kenma went over to Fukurodani's room to wake up Bokuto and Akaashi. The others, meaning Yaku, Lev, and Yamamoto, went over to Karasuno's room to wake up certain people. They all met up in the cafeteria to regroup for the dare.

"So are we really doing this," Kuroo said.

"Yeah duh or do you have a problem with kissing your girlfriend." Yaku pointed out.

"No I don't, it's just how I'm going to make this work." Kuroo replied.

"Well let me give you some advice." Yaku said back.

"Remember what happened last time when he followed your advice," Kenma whispered as he played games on his phone, "I suggest we just let him be so he could do his thing, Y/N chan must like him for him and not whatever tricks you have up your sleeve."

"I agree with Kenma," Akaashi agreed, "that sounds right enough."

"I mean Y/N chan was always a person who prefers dorky and smart guys." Sugawara added, "who know, maybe that's all you need."

"Alright well I'll go right now, she must be a wake at this moment anyways," Kuroo exclaimed, "you guys will follow me from far away until you guys watch. That's fair enough right."

"I can't help but notice how happy Kuroo san seems about this." Tsukkishima added.

"Shut up Tsukkishima san, that's his girlfriend why wouldn't he be happy. Plus this is Y/N chan we're talking about." Kageyama said.

"Shhh!" Everyone else hushed. The plan was already in action and Y/N was leaving the manager's room with Kiyoko to start on breakfast.

Kuroo approached Y/N and saw her in his jacket still. He blushed slightly, approached her, and said, "Hey Y/N can I talk to you?"

Y/N looked up at Kuroo then to Kiyoko. "I'll let you two be, see you in the kitchen Y/N chan." Kiyoko said as she waved a bye.

Kiyoko turned around the corner and Tanka pulled her into the group. "Shh just watch with us." Tanaka whispered. Kiyoko just nodded and watched the situation that played out in front of her.

"So what did you need to talk about with me?" Y/N asked.

Kuroo cupped her face and planted gentle kiss on her lips. Y/N just then pulled away as her face turned into a red hue, and ran into the direction where the group wasn't.

"Hahaha you caught that on camera right Kenma san?!" Yamamoto exclaimed.

"Yeah I did, I'm sorry that didn't work out." Kenma said giggling a bit.

"Wow this is sad, even Kema san is giggling." Lev pointed out.

"Great I lost a girlfriend now." Kuroo sulk while walking back.

"Hey it's okay, if she really wants to stay with you she'll end up talking to you," Kiyoko commented, "and what if she was just surprised and she didn't know how to react."

"Well Kiyoko isn't wrong, you should talk to her though." Asahi added.

"Yeah and tell her how much you love her, that normally works." Nishinoya said happily, "plus knowing Y/N chan, she really likes seeing mini thoughtful things so the action doesn't have to be that big."

"But she just became my girlfriend, I don't know if the 'L' word is even appropriate yet." Kuroo pointed out.

"Well you'll know when it's time, but for now just talk to her."  Bokuto said.

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