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1. an unlucky accident


I grit my teeth, wiping a thin layer of sweat from my brow as I take a seat in between Ethan's legs on the couch. His strong arms wrap around me as I snuggle up against him, his body heat wrapping me in a blanket of comfort. I try my best to focus on the movie that flickers across the Tv screen in the dim lighting, but discomfort in my lower back steals my attention. I groan softly as he kisses my forehead, rolling my eyes at the soft chuckle that escapes his lips.

"Your back hurting again?" he asks, moving my hair to the side as he brings his firm touch to my shoulder blades, kneading gently.

I nod, tensing up as the dull ache travels to my stomach. "My stomach too..." I wince as the pain intensifies.

I hadn't realized how much I loathed pregnancy until my second trimester finally hit two weeks ago. Suddenly I was saying goodbye to morning sickness and hello to chronic back pain and irritability.

"Aw, Mani, I'm sorry," Ethan bends to kiss my cheek, but I push him away with a little more force than intended. "Damn, okay." Ethan laughs lightly, resting his hands on my hips instead.

"I'm sorry," I whisper breathlessly as my face contorts in agony. "I just..." I blow out deep breath as the pain in my stomach grows. "I-" My voice cracks as I clutch my stomach, practically lurching out of Ethan's hold. Tears well up in my eyes as the pain slowly subsides.

"Imani?" Ethan asks, worry lacing his voice. "Are you okay?"

I nod slowly, focusing on the feeling of his arms wrapped around my waist. "I...I'm okay." I'm just having cramps. "I just—" I can't even finish the thought before I'm howling in agony. Pain sears through my abdomen as I grip Ethan's arms, my fingernails digging into his skin. My vision blurs as I do the only thing I can do: scream. Tears prick my eyes as I twist in Ethan's hold, trying to get away from the feeling of my insides ripping apart.

The more I move, the more it hurts. Ethan's worried blue eyes are the last thing I register before the pain becomes too much to bear, and the edges of my vision fade to darkness.


My mind is foggy when I finally come to.

"...worried about her condition." Nikki sounds worried.

"You're a doctor, right? You can help take care of her!" Demi's practically shouting.

I try my best to open my eyes, but my eyelids are too heavy.

"Demi, it doesn't work like that...wait." Ethan sucks in a breath. "Did you see that? H-her eyes...I-I think she's waking up."

The room goes quiet except for the sound of light footsteps coming closer. One shaky breath later, and I feel a presence loom over me, as a delicate hand cups my cheek. "Mom?" she whispers, on the brink of tears, and I try my best to smile at the sound of my eldest's voice.

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