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1. a hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties.

*Trigger Warning: This chapter deals with issues of abuse*


It's about 1:30 when I finally make it home. My legs are wobbly as I try my hardest not to fall and bust my ass in the foyer. Careful not to slam the front door, I tiptoe past the the stairs and try my best to quietly make it to my bedroom. I roll my ankle, giggling to myself as I almost hit the floor. I steady myself against the wall as I approach the dimly lit living room. Curious, to see who's up, I wander closer.

The acrid smell of cigarette smoke hits me far before I see him. I frown deeply as I walk into the entryway and lean against the nearest wall. "Hey, Josh," I say, crinkling my nose as he taps his cigarette against the small ashtray that rests on the end table beside him.

"You're home awfully late," he states not bothering to glance my way. His face is stoic as he takes a drag of his cigarette.

"I told you I would be." My speech is slightly slurred as I kick off my heels and sink my aching feet into the soft carpet. I sigh, smiling softly as I make my way over to the chair he's sitting in. "Joshy, do you have to that in here?" I ask as I take a seat in his lap. "You know how I feel about smoking in the house." I flash him a pouty face as I wrap my arms around his neck and lean back to look at him. His hand firmly grips my waist and I smile as I lean in to peck his lips.

Josh blows out a puff of smoke, and I cough as it hits me in the face like a brick wall, sobering me up a bit. The harsh smell fills my lungs as I fan the air around me. "Where have you been?" Josh asks, his grip on my hip tightening as I try to move away.

"I was out with the girls." I cough again as his hazel eyes burn into mine. I smile as I recall tonight's events. "It was so fun, Josh you would have loved it." Ethan's face pops into my mind and I feel the blood rise to my cheeks.

"Is that right?" he says, glancing away from me as he taps his cigarette in the ashtray once more.

I watch his movements before nodding, thoughts swimming in my mind. "Yeah, it was funny because we ran into Ethan again. He and his friend were out celebrating his birthday and—"

"You were out with Ethan tonight?" He asks, his voice deep and low as he slams his dwindling cigarette into the ashtray, putting it out.

I'm about to respond, when he stands abruptly, catching me off guard. I stumble, trying to catch my feet, but end up falling onto my hands and knees as Josh walks away, turning his back to me.

I watch him carefully as he paces the living room in repressed anger. His jaw clenches as he straightens up minor things lying around. Standing, I take a hesitant step towards him before backing away, and furrowing my brows. "Honey, are you mad?" I dare to ask as I watch him fold a throw blanket and drape it neatly over the back of the couch. "It was just a girls night. Sometimes I need to just let loose and hang with the girls."

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