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1. mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.


Fiddling with the ruffles on my blouse, I bounce my leg anxiously. I bite my lower lip before I can remember that I'm wearing makeup today--a first for me in a long while. I swipe my tongue across my teeth and fluff out my curls, glancing over at my attorney when she clears her throat beside me.

I'm thrown off by her smile. Tight lipped and strained, it was her feeble attempt at trying to reassure me. She's never been one to be too emotional, so I take comfort in the gesture. "Relax," she says, glancing down at my bouncing knee.

I nod curtly, adjusting my skirt and placing my hands in my lap. Glancing around the room, I let out a puff of air and lean back in my chair. It squeaks at the same moment the meeting room doors open, and I make an effort not to fall out of my seat.

Perking up, I set my hands on the table and wait expectantly.

Josh's attorney walks in first, a burly man with lowcut hair and a constant frown; he takes a seat across from me, and I tent my fingers apprehensively.

Josh mirrors the man's movements, striding into the room, confidence personified. He looks nice enough, tailored tan suit, short, neat curls. The only thing that throws me off is the thick trim beard that he's grown. It doesn't look bad, but it's unusual for him to have facial hair. A lot can change in six months.

I don't realize I'm staring until he meets my eyes, a smug smile adorning his face. "You grew your hair out." He comments. "I like it."

Instinctively, I find myself reaching up to touch my shoulder length curls. Thankfully, my lawyer speaks up before I can fixate on what the compliment could mean.

"Thank you both for coming. I've prepared the settlement papers and drafted copies for each of you to review." She passes a manilla folder to Josh's lawyer and slides an identical folder in front of me. "I'll give you a moment to review the terms we've agreed upon, and hopefully this can be quick and easy for everyone." She sits with a satisfied smile as I finger through the file with disinterest.

I can feel Josh's eyes on me as I push my reading glasses further up on my nose, pretending to read the same paragraph over and over. I flip through the pages for a moment longer before giving up and closing the folder.

Finally, Josh's lawyer lets out a gruff sigh and closes the folder. "Everything seems to be in order. Unless Mr. Davis has any objections, I propose we move on to the signing the final decree."

All eyes move to Josh as he takes the folder and skims through it briefly. He glances up at me, tongue to cheek, and I hold my breath. With one swift glance back at the papers in hand, Josh tosses them back onto the table and nods. "It's fine."

I take a deep breath and wring out my sweaty palms under the table. A sense of relief washes over me as I realize this chapter of my life is almost over. After months of negotiations and mediation, I can finally put this all past me and move on with my life.

Josh's lawyer pulls out a small stack of papers and sets them in the middle of the table. I watch as he reaches into his suit jacket and pulls out a shiny black and gold pen. My fingers twitch at the sight of it and I savor the sound of finality it makes when he sets it onto the wooden table.

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