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"Some memories never leave your bones. Like salt in the sea, they become part of you."

Paper Wings

"Don't worry, Dad. Everything's going to be okay." Jacob draws his brows together in concern as I glance away from the screen.

"Yeah," Jonah says, snatching the phone from his brother. "If that kid's anything like his big brother, he's a fighter-"

"She," Jacob corrects, "I have a feeling it's a girl."

Jonah rolls his eyes. "The point is to stay positive. For all you know, they've finished the surgery and the baby's in recovery."

I drag a hand across my face and sigh, glancing at the twins. "Thanks boys, I really appreciate the support."

Jacob nods as Jonah nudges him gently. The boys exchange a glance and Jacob frowns. "Look, Dad, I'm really sorry, but um, we have to go. We're kind of late for strength and conditioning camp and-"

"Go, go. Do what you guys have to do. I'll be okay." I nod, reassuringly, but even I don't believe it.

The boys wear identical looks of concern. "Let us know what happens," Jonah says.

"And tell Cara we said hi when she wakes up." Jacob smiles, his face lighting up at the mentioning of his older sister.

I nod. "I will."

"Love you," the boys say in unison, flashing one another looks of annoyance.

Their exchange is enough to bring a sad smile to my face as I shake my head. "I love you guys too."

The FaceTime call ends, and once again I'm left alone with my thoughts. I hadn't even thought to tell the boys about what happened, but apparently Cara texted them the news.

I glance over at Cara, her long body contorted in the chair beside me. Her tearstained face is relaxed as she snores softly into the crook of her arm.

She's been asleep for a couple of hours now, no doubt worn out from all of the worrying. As I look at my daughter, my heart swells with pride and I admire her strength. It's something I'm having a hard time hanging on to.

Chills skate along my skin as I take a shaky breath and close my eyes. I lean my head back against the wall, welcoming the cold hard surface, grounding me to this moment. I can't help the way my mind wanders through time. Back to decades ago, when I was in this very same situation with Rosaline.

Feelings of helplessness, anxiety, guilt...They greet me like old friends. Painfully familiar.

I don't fight the tears that stream down my face as my mind ventures back to the darkest time of my life. I don't doge the debilitating sense of loss that fills my bones, the dread that pins me to my seat.

I've fought so hard over the years to work through my anger, the guilt of being angry, and the pain of a situation that I could not control. The impotence that once consumed me has returned, tenfold, and it's a feeling that cannot be banished by reassuring words.

My hands shake at my sides and I grip the arms of the chair, losing the war between my mind and body. I never wanted to face this again.

My chest grows tight and it feels like all the oxygen is being sucked out of the room. I can't breathe.

Nails dig into the fabric of my shirt, slicing through my panic as her hand grips my shoulder. I open my eyes and Cara's brown ones stare back at me, understand reflecting across her face.

I swallow hard as I wipe my eyes and exchange a silent glance with Cara. She twists her mouth up as her eyes glisten wet with unshed tears. My hand finds hers, and I squeeze it as a tear slips from her eye.

I'm caught off guard when she hugs me. Her long arms wrap around my torso as she buries her face in my chest. I gather the fabric of her hoodie in my hand as I pull her into me and place a kiss to the top of her head.

I shut my eyes tightly as the pain in my chest subsides, and new tears prick my eyes. Glancing down at my daughter through wet lashes, I realize why I had to go through this exact situation so many years ago. It was all for her. My first born.

She was the reason.


The distinct sound of hospital doors swinging open pulls me from my restless sleep. I sit up, on high alert as I turn and glance down the corridor. My heart catches in my throat when I see Rajit rushing towards Cara and me.

I stand, and Cara stirs in her sleep. Rajit's face is unreadable, and my heart pounds in my ears as he approaches me. Raj stops in front of me and I take a deep breath, too afraid to speak.

Raj sees the question in my eyes and nods as a small smile slowly creeps onto his face.

Relief floods my body as Rajit pulls me into a hug. I can't help the sob that escapes my mouth as Raj pats my back and I relax in his embrace. "It's okay," Rajit whispers as he gives me another squeeze. "Everything's okay."

I pull away from Rajit and wipe my eyes. Cara glances up at the both of us before settling her gaze upon Rajit. "My mom's okay?"

Rajit nods.

"A-and the baby too?"

Rajit nods again, glancing over at me. "You've got a fighter on your hands."

I run a hand through my messy hair and glance at the ceiling, silently thanking God for the mercy he bestowed upon us. Looking back at Rajit, I sigh. "Thank you. I-I don't think I would've trusted anyone else-"

"Ethan, my friend, you know better than most that a thank you is not required." Rajit's smile is tired, but genuine. "I am just so glad I could be there for you." He claps a hand on my shoulder. "Now, come on you two. I know a woman who's dying to see you both."


A/N: I hate how far apart and infrequent my posts have been. I'm sorry guys.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you all are having a great day!

Until next time,


Spring [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon