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"Cause you never think that the last time is the last time. You think there will be more. You think you have forever, but you don't."


My phone rings in my pocket, and I pull it out of my jeans as I enter the bar. I furrow my brows when I see my mother's name on the screen.

I stare at it apprehensively as a pang of guilt fills my body. I don't speak to my mother as much as I should anymore. We talk maybe once a month now if that. Ever since I've moved to Seattle I've had even less time than usual to speak to her. I frown as I recall a simpler time, when I spoke to my mother regularly. It saddens me as it really dawns on me how much I miss her.

My phone continues to buzz in my hand as I blankly stare at my screen, my finger hovering over the accept button.

"Hey, Ethan! Over here," Rajit calls from across the room.

I sigh, hitting decline. I'll call her tomorrow morning before my shift.

Tucking my phone back into my pocket, I squeeze through the small crowd of people and take a seat at the bar next to Raj. "Hey man, sorry I'm late," I say and Rajit only smiles.

"No worries, friend. I got you a beer...but you took too long so I sort of drank it." He laughs, grabbing his beer and taking a swig. "So I got you another one, and I ended up drinking that one too." He sighs, his cheeks flushed. "In short, I drank all the beers. You snooze you lose."

I laugh, shaking my head and ordering another beer from the bartender. "Sorry to make you drink alone, Raj. I just had to run to the grocery store real quick and—"

"Again?" Rajit asks, leaning against the counter.

I turn away from him briefly and accept my beer, popping it open.

"You always seem to be at the store nowadays...Wait," he says leaning in and lowering his voice. Is that how you pick up chicks? Ah, Ethan, you are a genius. Why did I not think of that?"

I take a long sip of my beer and shake my head. "No, Raj, no it's just...I...I really like the store. It's very organized and clean—"

"So is the dentist, but you don't see me going there in my free time," Rajit says, narrowing his eyes. "So, tell me friend, what is the real reason behind these visits?"

I drag my hand over my face and push my messy hair out of my eyes. "You're not going to like it."

He scoffs. "I do not like a lot of things. Big deal, fess up."

"Okay fine," I say turning away from him, as I rest my forearms on the counter. "I...I saw her again."

"Who,"Rajit asks and I take a sip of my beer.


"Imani as in your married ex, Imani?"

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