A Saturday for backstories (GC)

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When Grimmchild woke up to the news that morning, yes Dominic had turned on the TV, he was presented with the theft of the "Flame of the East". Of course, Grimmchild recognized the thief, he worked with her, after all. Seeing as his dormmate was rather angry with said thief, the scarlet dressed boy decided to keep quiet about it.

He just sat beside Dominic in peaceful silence, until it was broken by the brown haired boy.

"Can you believe it? What kind of person would do that?! Why would she make them hopes of such an absurd amount of money and then just ESCAPE?! UNBELIEVABLE!" Dominic crossed his arms, being firm behind his stance. Grimmchild, wanting to change subject, wished to uncover more about the only person he really knows.

"So, I'm interested, what exactly brought you to UA? You don't seem to talk about it. I don't even expect you to be the only one to reveal your past. I'll answer any question, if I can answer it." The brown haired boy raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you so interested in that anyway? It's not like you need to know." Although it was barely noticeable, these words were accompanied by a twitch of his left eyebrow. IT seemed to be a touchy subject, but once Grimmchild caught an interest in something, he would pursue it.

"C'mon, you can tell me! I promise I won't tell anyone else, you can trust me!" Grimmchild smiled. It was true that Dominic trusted him, even though he's barely known him for 2 days, nonetheless he trusted him.

"Alright, I guess, so, back home quirks aren't really that welcome. In fact, they're seen as some kind of plague. There's regular protests. What they are for? I dunno, I only know that the protesters hate quirks with a burning passion. So much, in fact, that there are multiple murders every day. The victims? People with mutation quirks. Transformation and Emitter quirks can be hidden, after all. Now, how does all this tie to me?

Well, my parents are two of the loudest voices in said protests. With my mother being a doctor and father being a scientist, they are mostly relied on for arguments. I know, my mother sounded like a decent person with all the "get to know people for who they really are" bullshit and all, but she's just one massive hypocrite. Both of them are quirkless and when they had me, I was expected to be quirkless too. Yeah, quirkless parents equals a quirkless kid, so how do I have a quirk? The answer's simple, my mother cheated on my....well not actual father. My actual father's quirk is the same as mine, at least I think that's the case, I never met him. Mom never talks about him and so, he's an actual mystery.

My mother hoped I'd be quirkless so her cheating wouldn't be exposed. And then I turned four years old. We went to the beach to celebrate, ironic, I know, and we were all having a blast. That's when I noticed something strange. My hand felt wet, even though I wasn't swimming and my other hand? It felt crumbly and yes, I didn't touch the sand either. So, I looked down and, for the first time, saw my quirk. I ran to my parents, told them about it. They looked at me, disgust filling their eyes. We immediatly packed up and went for home. I was locked in my room, but I heard them call my grandparents. 

A few days later, my grandparents picked me up and mom, dad and I cut contact. Haven't heard from that in years and, to be honest? They don't need to call me any time soon. If it were up to me, they could rot in hell. But after I moved in with grandma and grandpa, things turned better. I trained extra hard to gain total control over my quirk, just to spite my parents. What? How I ended up in Japan? Well, believe it or not but grandpa and Nezu are good friends so he recommended me and now, I'm here." Dominic finished his monologue. He didn't even realize that he had answered a lot more of questions Grimmchild had asked during the speech, but it didn't matter.

Grimmchild? Well, he was beyond furious. How dare his parents abandon their kind because he has a quirk? His anger was at a point his ears began to smoke, quite literally. After both had returned to a, somewhat, neutral emotional state, it was Grimmchild's turn to talk and oh boy, was he ready.

"Okay, so we're not that different, you and me. I'm also a victim of my quirk. I never knew my mother but Divine has filled that place. She's become some sort of a mother to me. Anyway, my quirk is called Scarlet Flame. It's been in my family line for generations. Every first male born to the current Troupe Master is named Grimmchild and later, once the old Master is defeated, they take the name Grimm and leads the Troupe. Actually, my ancestors wrote a poem to describe our entire situation. 

Shadows dream of endless fire. Flames devour and embers swoop. One will light the Nightmare Lantern. Come and serve in Grimm's dead Troupe. A spark of red lights darkest dreams. Scarlet nightmares bright and wild. Visions dance and dreams do speak. Burn the father, feed the child. Dance and Die and Live Forever. Silent voices shout and sing. Stand before the Troupe's dark heart. Burn away the Nightmare King.

Huh? What does it mean? Basically, when my dad gets old and doesn't have much longer, he places the Nightmare Lantern somewhere near our hideout and the first guy to light it has to prepare me, for taking the lead. That's where Novice, Master and Nightmare come into play. They're responsible for collecting scarlet flame around the city. The person who lit the lantern then has to travel with me and defeat each of them three times. I consume the flame and....well the rest would be a little complex to explain so I'll skip on the lengthy explanation and cut the chase, the last step is that the one who lit the lantern has to defeat the Nightmare King. That's when I take dad's place.

I know, it sounds weird and it IS weird too but I don't have a choice. As Brumm likes to put it, I was born with my own chains. I don't have a say in the matter, but it doesn't matter. I've accepted my role a long time ago." Grimmchild finished his explanation. Dominic, well he was currently trying to process what he had just learned.

"Please, Dominic, promise me you won't tell anyone about this. I told you this in trust." The black haired boy pleaded and eventually the foreign boy nodded. He swore he wouldn't tell a single soul. So, they spent the rest of their Saturday goofing around, watching TV and relaxing. However, unbeknownst to them a small shadow, that crouched under the window made off, knowing that the wisdom he aquired today, would certainly come in useful for his own gains.

End Chapter

There we go, another chapter, this time with focus on Grimmchild. It took so long to release cuz I needed to Dominic's backstory in it. Anyway, I hope you like it. As always, I ask you to point out any mistakes you find so I can correct them. Anyway, see you next chapter


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